Only When I Sleep


Song by The Corrs

You're only just a dream boat
Sailing in my head

The young priestess-acolyte tossed in her sleep. It was that dream again, the one with the man she seemed to know. He smiled the smile she knew was only for her as he gestured for her to come to him.

You swim my secret oceans
Of coral blue and red

Her delicate coral dress of silk clung and sighed as she walked slowly toward him. Her toes sank into the sand and she smiled back at him and reached out to him. He opened his arms to accept her.

Your smell is incense burning
Your touch is silken yet

Neither one spoke as he ran his hands slowly over her body. He tilted her face up to his and claimed her lips in a burning kiss. She breathed deeply, drawing in his intoxicating scent. He smelled of Dragonsblood; of power.

It reaches through my skin
Moving from within
And clutches at my breast

As the intoxicating scent of him and the sensations of her caresses melted away her inhibitions she ran her hands up under his loose crimson silk shirt, marvelling at the feeling of firm muscles under soft skin.

But it's only when I sleep
See you in my dreams

The feelings began to overwhelm her and tears spilled unbidden from her eyes. With a look of concern he wiped then away and held her until they had stopped, then slowly began to lift her light gown and kissed her.

Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside down

As her knees went weak he lowered her to the ground, swiftly divesting both of them of their few items of clothing, and kissing and caressing her, skin-on-skin. She gasped as they connected completely, and he smiled.

But I only hear you breathe
[I hear you breathe]
Somewhere in my sleep

She closed her eyes and all she could feel was him, all she could smell was him, all she could hear was his breath...she never intended to wake again. He was so wonderful she felt she could sleep forever.

Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside down

Her world exploded into an ocean of pleasure and she felt him relax and collapse onto of her. As her heart slowed she felt a wave of tenderness wash over her. Somehow she knew this man was very important to her.

But it's only when I sleep

They lay together on a beach which was a dream, their dream bodies sticky from their exertions, and she stroked his back slowly and lovingly, not wanting to be parted from him, but knowing this could not last.

And when I wake from slumber
Your shadow's disappeared

The priestess-acolyte sighed as she woke. The dreams were always so marvellous, and she always felt faintly bereft when they were over. Night was simply too short to contain such wonder...far too short.

Your breath is just a sea mist
Surrounding my body

As she lay with her eyes closed she could almost imagine he was here with her, in her bed. She could almost feel his soft breath fluttering her hair against her neck...but no, she sighed, it was only the breeze.

I'm working through the daytime
But when it's time to rest

She got up and dressed, then made her bed and headed out to do the tasks assigned to her. The day seemed to take forever, but finally the night came again. She threw off her clothes and slipped under the blankets.

I'm lying in my bed
Listening to my breath
Falling from the edge

She lay in her bed, listening to her own measured breaths and willing herself to sleep. Slowly she began to feel her mind shutting down its worldly concerns and she welcomed the oblivion as it washed over her, for it brought him.

But it's only when I sleep
See you in my dreams

Tonight they were in a forest clearing. She kneeled in front of him in the tall grass and his hands rested on her yellow-silk-clad shoulders as she nuzzled against him, and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside down

She slipped his black silk trousers off him and showed him without words that he was the centre of her universe, that without him she would be incomplete, and he softly and gently stroked her hair.

But I only hear you breathe
[I hear you breathe]
Somewhere in my sleep

He drew her up to stand before him and kissed her, stealing her breath. But truthfully, he had stolen nothing from her which she had not freely given. What were little things like innocence in the face of such pleasure?

Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside down

He picked her up and spun her around, faster and faster, until he could no longer stand, and the two of them collapsed happily to the ground and just lay there gazing into each others' eyes and smiling happily.

But it's only when I sleep
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah

He reached out and traced little squiggly patterns up her arm, across her chest, and slowly under her dress. As she closed her eyes to concentrate on it, she realized he was tracing the word "MINE" over and over.

It's only when I sleep

Her eyes widened as she gazed at him. He cocked his head quizzically at her, and she closed her eyes for one long moment, but it was a question easily answered. She looked at him again and nodded.

[Up to the sky
Where angels fly
I'll never die
Hawaiian high]

He seemed pleased with her answer, and with his hands, lips, tongue, proceeded to send her floating to heaven on a warm golden cloud of pleasure. Most definitely she was his. She always had been. She always would be.

It's reaching through my skin
Moving from within
And clutches at my breast

As she reached the peak of her pleasure the dream dissolved around her. She could still feel the ghostly echoes of his caresses branding her skin and boiling her blood, but already she missed him.

But it's only when I sleep
I see you in y dreams

She closed her eyes, desperately trying to call the dream back, but it was no good. She was awake now, and the dream refused to return. The day had only begun, but already it promised to be far too long for her.

Got me spinning round and round
[Spinning around]
Turning upside down

She couldn't concentrate on even the simplest tasks, and all her classes were completely beyond her. She felt no hunger but the longing for him, and she welcomed the faintness and dizziness which beckoned to her.

But I only hear you breathe
[I hear you breathe]

She felt arms catch her, but she didn't care. If she could only stay unconscious, and thus sleep and dream, she would be completely and totally happy. Woe betide to the one who woke her now!

In bed I lie
No need to cry
[Round and round]
My sleeping cry
[Upside down]

She sighed happily as she began to dream. Now she was in a beautifully appointed bedroom where he was reclining on a bed among rumpled plum sheets of the finest silk. She walked toward him, and the dream blurred.

But it's only when I sleep
[Hawaiian high]

She blinked and everything returned to normal, but now she had a sense of foreboding. She ran to him, and he took her in his arms and held her tightly, glaring over her shoulder and someone she couldn't see.

Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside down

All of a sudden she felt as though someone had ripped her perceptions in half. The dream warped around them and she felt a strong force trying to pull her from her lover's arms. Crying, she traced "MINE" on his back.

Up to the sky
Where angels fly
[Round and round]
I'll never die
[Turning upside down]

As she was pulled away from him, her last image was of him, arms outstretched, tears in his eyes, nodding to her. Yes...he was hers...always. She promised herself she would find him again.

But it's only when I sleep
[Hawaiian high]

She blinked into wakefulness to see herself surrounded by higher priests. They told her that they were exorcising her, that she had been possessed. She cried and screamed for them to stop, but it was no good.

Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside down

Their chanting was ripping her apart, but, somehow, she knew what to do. Slumping down on the pallet, she let them believe they had succeeded. Satisfied, they allowed her to go back to her room to sleep and recover.

Somewhere in my dreams...

Impatiently she waited until she was sure they were all gone, then, exhausted, she fell asleep and into his arms. Frantically they kissed, their bodies meeting in reassurance. All that mattered was him; from now on she would be more careful.
