

Okay, here's another random short scene that popped into my head the other day after watching a bit too much NewsRadio. It's kinda weird and kinda lame, but eh.



"Come on, pleeeeeease?"


"I'll wear that shirt you like with the big holes in the front."

"Lina, I doubt very seriously you could be persuaded to get off the couch if it was on fire, much less to go change your shirt." To punctuate his point, he licked his thumb and forefinger and turned the page in his book.

"Pleeeeeeaaaaase?" She batted her eyes and struck a provocative pose that succeeded only in making her fall headfirst off the couch. Hastily righting herself and attempting to salvage what remained of her dignity, she added temptingly, "I'll get you a cup of cooooffeeeeeee...."

He paused, genuinely debated it for a moment, then looked up at her with a smug glint in his eye.

"Okay, you've got a deal."

Several seconds passed in silence as they stared each other down, ending when Lina broke the gaze to examine her fingernails in a show of casual disregard.

"Okay, you called my bluff."

He smirked and returned to his reading. If she was so concerned about it she could go flip her own mattress. The coffee thing was just mean, though, and he decided he'd have to pay her back later.

#3   |   Fanfiction