A Trip To The Zoo

A slightly middle-aged woman, named Mona, is idly chatting with one of the girls she works with. She doesn't notice what the little children in their care were doing. She was far too busy because.. today was their monthly trip to the zoo.

Pretty soon the hour Mona dreaded most arrived, and she would soon see if the gods were merciful or not.

They were not.

A young girl with long black hair bounces into the room. In her arms is a happily smiling baby girl and a slip of paper, they approach the sitter.

"Hello Mom!" The brunette cries.

"Please don't call me mom, and for the love of all things Naga, DON'T LAUGH!" the poor woman replies, as Naga hands over the baby and the piece of paper that granted her permission to take Amelia to the zoo.

"Ah, okay. Well here's Amelia. I've gotta run. Bye-bye sissy! have fun!" Naga waves and hurries off.

Mona groans quietly, This will NOT be a good day and put the baby down in time to meet the next arrivals, also bearing permission slips.

"Hello Mrs. Metallium. And hello to you too little Xellos."

"Hi Mom!" Xellos pipes, "Where's Lina-chan? And When are we going??" he rushed out and glances around.

"Hello Mrs. Gabriev! Hello Mr. Rada. Hello Gourry! Hello Sylphiel. Are you two ready for the zoo?"

"Hi MoM!" Gourry walks over with a big smile and hugs Mona before walking off with Sylphiel.

"Ah, H.. hello Ms. Inverse."

"Hi Mom." The purple haired waitress answers. "Lina behave.. or else". She commands the spunky young red head, who gulps and mutters into the floor.

"Oh Lina what a cute dress." Mona told her, admiring the frilly pink outfit.

"Luna made me wear it.. where's Zel?" she asked before being glomped by a familiar Demon.

"LINA-CHAN!!! You're going to be MY partner!" Xellos exclaimed.

"NOOOO!" the poor little girl screamed and ran as fast as she could.

Mona sweatdrooped. "Ah Hello Mr. Garv! Hello Val! Welcome back." she greeted the next arrivals.

"Oh No Val's here." a familiar girl's voice groaned out across the room.

Val smirked. "Hi Lina cute dress! Ya almost look like a girl!" he said before being chased as well.

Mona sighed in dismay, then a tinkling sound was heard at the door. She opens it to meet a red robed priest and a pale little boy.

"Why hello Mr. Rezo. Welcome again Zelgadis."

"Hi Mom." Zel said softly before being dragged off by Lina.

"'Bout time ya got here Zel."

"well that's everyone." Mona sighed, "Ok kids! Get a partner and let's go!" she shouted picking up baby Amelia.

"I choose Zel!" Lina yells.

"Oh but now I'M stuck with Fruit cup!" Val whines.

"I don't wanna be with horn head!" Xellos complains.

"I'll go with Gourry." Sylphiel whispers.

"OK." Gourry smiles blankly.

Zel blushes as Lina holds his hand.

And they're off.

The bus arrives promptly at the zoo. the ticket handlers give Mona looks of pity and make calls to increase security. They are now all inside the Zoo.

Mon sits down on a bench with a clear view of the chaos incarnates in her care.

Lina and Zel stretch up on their tippy toes to look the raccoons square in the eye.

"They kinda look like bandits huh Zel?" Lina commented. Zel nodded in agreement. Then Chaos insued.

Lina skirt flipped wildly in the air and the culprit sang out "I see Paris, I see France! I see LINA'S UNDERPANTS!!!"

The red head exploded. "VAL YOU DIE!!!!!"

She chased the mischievous ancient dragon around the park, followed by Zel, who was trying to lend support, and Xellos, who was trying to stem a nose bleed caused by seeing his darling's panties. this all came to a startling conclusion when Lina tackled Val and he got his horn stuck in a tree.

"Why does this happen ever month?" Mona groaned quietly.

"Help I'm stuck!" Val cried.

Lina laughed "Ha serves ya right! Dumb Boy!", before grabbing hold and with Zel and Xel's help tugged the trapped toddler out of the tree.

meanwhile as Gourry defended Sylphiel from a peacock using a stick, a group trudged nearer.

"Hi!" Mona yelled waving at her friend.

The children groaned, as the private day care students arrived in their midst.

A slightly middle-aged woman, who we'll call Ellen, sat down beside Mona placing a baby boy next to baby Amelia. "Phibby be nice!" she bade the child before chatting away with her friend.

Zel glanced at Lina confused. "Lina, who're they?"

"huh?" Lina asked startled. "Oh right you're new. They're the snotty rich kids. Filia's the blond girl there. Those two boys are Zang and Vrumy. That skinny kid is Hal, ...and THAT girl is Martina!" Lina spat.

"You don't like her huh?"

Lina growled, "No way! She likes to kiss BOYS! I bet she's got over a million cooties."

"hmph." Martina huffed. "Only Babies believe in cooties Lina Inverse!"

"Take That back!!"

"UN UH!"


"NO WAY... unless you play a game with us!"

"What kind of game?" Lina asked suspicious.

"SPIN THE BOTTLE!" Marina cried posing victorious.

"You're on! Xellos! ... what's spin the bottle?" Lina asked turning to the little demon boy.

Xellos smiled and whispered in her ear.

"EEEWWWWW! You wanna play a KISSING GAME!!!!" Lina shouted, knocking Martina down with the shear volume of her statement.

"Yeah! What are ya chicken!" Martian smirked.

"Am NOT! You're ON!!" Lina growled stamping off, Zel following close behind.

"Ah Tina-chan?"

"Ye-es ZAngypoo?"

"Why do you want to play spin the bottle?" her 'boyfriend' asked.

"Cuz! I'm going to steal lina's precious boy friends away from her and get my revenge." Martina cackled.

A few minutes later a bottle was found surrounded by a ground of youngsters.

"There are more boys then girls playing!" Lina whined.

"Who care lets play!" And the first spin occurred.

Filia spun that bottle like there was no tomorrow and it landed on...

"Ugh HAL!" a lot of gagging insued as the tow children were forced by their peers to smooch.

"Blah! Next." and the second spin occurred.

Val spun the bottle and it landed on..

Himself. "Yeah! Lucky!!" she shouted smooching his own hand.

"Next!" and the third spin occurred.

Martina spun the bottle viciously and it landed on..


"EEWWW MAKE EM STOP!" the children cried and forced the two apart. "NEXT!"

Lina spun the bottle and it spun once then landed on...

"AHH NOT VAL!!!" They two were forced to smooch and whined about being contaminated before the game continued.

"NEXT!!" Zel spun the bottle, not looking as Martina practically drooled in his direction. It landed on...

"Phew Lina." Zel sighed and kissed Lina on her cheek.

"Next." Xellos spun the bottle despite cries of 'NO Cheating!' and it landed on...

Zel. "EWW!" everyone cried. Xellos chased after Zel yelling "Come on just one little peck!" Zel did not surrender. everyone got bored of waiting and the game ended.

A few hours later Mona and Ellen stood up to face the inevitable. "Ok kids! Lunch Time!"

All the starving kids raced to the picnic area shouting "FOOD FOOOOOD!!!".

All hell broke loose, as it always does at lunch time, as the children tore through their meals like a pack of wolves. A small food fight was started by Lina throwing a half-eaten apple at Martina, who retaliated by tossing her banana muffin, which Lina ate. Zel shared his chocolate chip cookies with Lina and gained hug from said female and a glare from her nemesis Martina. She in turn decided to do the noble thing a gave Xellos a smack upside the head for trying to kiss Zel. Xellos stole her juice box instead and lunch soon ended.

At last it was time to go and the two friends bid each other fare well.

"Bye Mona"

"Bye Ellen"

The two retrieved their babies from up a tree and inside the monkey cage, I'll let you decide which one went where, before calling in their squadron.

"OK Kids! Time to go!"

The children groaned and marched back onto their buses.

Back at the pre-school the children were getting ready to go home, and Zel and Lina were standing in a corner.

"umm Zel?" Lina began, unsure.

"Ye.. yeah Lina." Zel stuttered.

"uhmmm..." Lina paused.

"Lina! Zel! Your families are here!" Moan called from the doorway.

"See ya tomorrow Zel!" Lina smiled hugging the blushing boy.

"OK Lina!" Zel smiled, their earlier embarrassment long gone. Still smiling Zel waved goodbye to Lina, who did the same.

"Bye kids!" Mona said happily!

"BYE MOM!" They answered. Mona sweatdropped. "Why do they call me that!" ::sigh::

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