Feelings in the Heart

Author's Notes

The companion piece to Feelings in the Bone.

As I look at Nature's art,
I think of feelings in the heart.
For you have shown me what is right
And pushed me back into the light.

And as we sit here side by side,
I thank god for love's rushing tide.
And as we watch the wondrous view,
I think of how much I love you.

How did this pass? This is no farce? 'Tis too good to be true,
As here we sit, moonlight-lit, alone, just me and you.

For you have attained your happy goal
And entered in my heart and soul
And for all that I can see,
What surprises more is you love me.

I'll hug you tight, keep you in sight, lest this is a dream.
Is this me, could I be, as worthy as you deem?

And as I gaze upon your beauty
I remind myself of my own duty;
You say 'no need', but I assert
I'll keep you safe from all the hurt.

I'll keep you near, never fear, no matter what we do.
For today, and ev'ryday, together we'll get through.

As I look at Nature's art,
I think of feelings in the heart.
For you have shown me what is right
And pushed me back into the light.
