Part 1

SS( Hello everyone!! Thank you for watching tonight's Slayer Interview! And here, I have Lina Inverse, the chest-less dragon spooker..

Lina: (smirks at SS) Hey.. mind your mouth!

SS: (Ignoring Lina) Zel, the chimera..

Zel: (Smiling) See..I am cute.

SS: Xelloss, the trickster priest..

Xel: Hello everyone. Care for some fruit cake?

SS: Amelia, the princess of some justice place..

Amelia: Hey! I heard that!!

SS: Duh, of course u did. Firia, the golden dragon..

Firia: ( smiles)

SS: Valgrav, the ancient dragon, but I prefer to call him Val..

Val: Suit yourself.

SS: And of course, Gourry, our stupid swordman..hey. where did he go?

Lina: Gourry!! Wake up!

Gourry: Huh? What? Oh yeah.. there was pudding, roast chicken....


Gourry: That hurts Lina.

SS: Ok, let us begin!! Lina, there was a question I was always wondering, who do u like?

Lina: Well... gee.. can't tell anyone.

SS: please??..(whisper) I will give u 1000 gold pieces!!

Lina: $o$ YOU GOT A DEAL!! I like...

Xel: Ah Lina-chan don't tell everyone about us.. it is a secret u know..

Zel: (hits Xel REALLY hard) You damm mazoku.. thinking that Lina is yours? Ha.. guess again.. WE were together . You are just making the story up!!

Xel: Oh really?? @_-

Zel: Really!! -_@

Firia: I agree with Zel. HE has the right to have Lina.. at least he is not so BAD and STINKY as the raw garbage sitting next to me!!

Val: Er.. Firia? I am sitting next to you..

Firia: yeah yeah.. whatever..

SS: So... Lina?

Gourry: What are you guys talking about?

Amelia: Something about umm.. you won't understand.. go back to sleep.

Gourry: ZZZZZZzzzzzz

Lina: Well.. it is just that I didn't really like anyone....

SS: How about he time when you and Gourry kissed?

Lina: That was the Lord of nightmares..

SS+everyone( except Lina and Gourry): Oh.

SS: I guess that is a good answer.. next question.. Amelia.. do you really care about justice??

Amelia: OF COURSE!!

SS: ok..^-^** next question.. Xel..?

Xel: Yes?

SS: I really want some of that fruit cake(smile)...

Xel: Sure!! Dig in!!

SS: Thanx!! Oh yeah.. Xel? Take over for me for the time being!!

Xel: Ok SS... lets talk about me..

Val: Shut up!

Zel: Yeah

Firia: He is right!

Amelia: Look guys? Lets get serious..

Gorrry: what? I am awake.. lets find a way to make Lina chest bigger.

Xel: For once Gourry, u are smart!!


Xel+Gourry: Ouch....

Lina: Hmmp!!

SS: Hi!! Iam back!! Hey, what are u two doing lying on the floor?

Xel: Oh.. nothing!! We were just umm.. just.. sunbathing!! Yeah.. sunbathing!!

Gourry: But how can we sun bath without the sun?

Zel: Ursai!!

Xel+Gourry: Ok..

SS: Now that is done, lets continue!

Val: (whisper) as if we could...

SS:WHAT did U say Val DEAR???

Val: (stammers) umm... nothing?

Xel: Correct!

Everyone except Xel: Shut up!!

Part 2   |   Fanfiction