
"Shhh! You're gonna get us in trouble!"

"Well I can't see where I'm going!"


" 'SHHHH' Yourself! I want a lantern!"

"If you don't be quiet then I'll tell mom you borrowed her necklace again!"

"But that's a lie!"

"She won't know that, so just shut up already!"


"That's better. Now come on, we're almost there."

"I don't understand why we just don't light that lantern you brought. It is our basement."

"'Cause I don't want mom or dad to catch us."

"Why? They never said we couldn't go into the basement. And they aren't even home."

"It's not because of the basement. It's because of what I found in the basement. Now be quiet. You're lucky I'm even showing this to you at all."


"Found it!"

"What is it?"

"Wait a minute....There. Happy now?"

"You could have lit that lantern when we first got down here....What is that?"

"It's mom and dad's old trunk. See there names carved on the front?"

"Wow! What's in it?"

"Hold the lantern; I'll show you."

"...WOW!...What is it?"

"It's mom and dad's old stuff. Back when they used to travel!"

"Here, take the lantern! Wow, these earrings are pretty! And they fit me too!"

"They also make you look like you have big, round, yellow fruits on the sides of your head."

"Meany!....Hey! Mom's gloves and boots. Oh! Even her cape and shoulder guards!"

"Isn't it cool? And check this out!"

"Wow! It's dad's cape and hood!"

"Can you believe he used to wear this all the time?"

"Not really...I didn't think he liked beige..."

"You haven't seen the best part yet. Check this out."

"....those are mom and dad's old swords! Where did you find those?!"

"Under the clothes. Aren't they neat?"

"Lemme hold one!"

"No way! You're too little Lissa!"


"Don't stick your tongue out at me! You know what will happen if you do."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do! I said I'd cut it off! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"

"Daniss! You put dad's sword down now! That's not funny!"

"You're such a sissy. I wish I had a little brother instead of a sister."

"Well I wish I had an older sister instead of a brother!"

"Shh...Your hear that?"

"Wha?...They're home!"

"Quick! Put the stuff back! And take off those earrings!"

"Daniss? Lissa?"

"Coming! Daniss hurry up with that lamp!"

"I'm coming, hurry up Lissa! Close the trunk!"

"it is closed!"

"Then let's go!"

A young boy and an even younger girl ran up the basement stairs, the boy quickly extinguishing a lantern. The light from the doorway glinted off of the boy's short cropped violet-blue hair and his little sister's flame red hair. The girl's blue eyes sparkled as she started giggling and the boy's ruby-colored eyes shone as well as he starting laughing too. Taking the steps two at a time, they finally reached the top and dashed to their awaiting parents.

"And what were you two doing down there?"

"Oh...nothing. Nothing at all."
