Movie Mishaps

Lina waited at the movie theatre waiting for her boyfriend to show up. They ha a date to see a movie and then go out to pizza afterwards. Only the movie started in less then fifteen minutes and he hadn't shown up yet.

But then again they had made the plans weeks ago so it was possible he forgot.

He'd better show up or I'll have his head! I already bought my ticket! Lina scowled as she waited. She hated having to wait like this. And she wanted to get food too before the movie started and she was running out of time.

Lina eyed the crowd of people in line who were buying their tickets last minute. She hoped she'd see him in the line somewhere.

After a minute of searching Lina found him. She was about to call out his name and wave when she noticed he wasn't alone. A girl with shoulder length black hair was latched onto his arm and he didn't seem to mind. In fact by the devilish grin on his face Lina knew that he liked it.

Lina's eyes went wide. That two timing jerk!! Her face flushed with anger. But at the same time her eyes started to go blurry. Can't let him see me! Lina rushed inside the theatre to the ladies washroom. She locked herself into a stall and sat down.

What am I going to do? Did he see me? How could he do that to me?!?! Her eyes started to tear up. No! I can't get like this! Not over a stupid guy. But what the hell am I going to do? I already bought the ticket... I can't go see the movie now! He'll probably be there and he'll see me!

Then you'd be wasting your money... Do you really want to be so cowardly that you'd need to hide from him? A nagging voice asked her from the back of her head.

I am not a coward! But I can't go in there alone!

You were looking forward to seeing this movie for months! And you're going to let him ruin it? And why can't you go in alone?


Not a good enough answer. And you don't even know he's going to see the same movie as you anyway.

Lina looked down at her ticket. She had been looking forward to this movie for a very long time. She and her boyfriend made plans to see it from the moment they saw the first preview for it. Well I'm not going to let him get the best of me! And he's not going to ruin the movie for me! I'm going to go see it! And Lina marched out of the restroom and down to the theatre room number 3 which the movie was being played at.

Her confidence and pride left her the more further she walked in the theatre. There were quite a lot of people in the theatre. It was going to start pretty soon. Lina felt so pathetic as she went to go look for a seat. Only dateless lonely losers went to movies alone. Or at least that what she had always thought when she had seen people sit by themselves during a movie. And now I'm one of them... But she was already in there so she was going to stay and watch the movie.

Towards the middle rows of the theatre Lina spied an almost empty row of seats. Lina sat down near the middle of the row and placed her jacket to the right of her in the pathetic attempt to make it look like she was saving a seat for someone.

The only other person sharing her row with her was a guy sitting alone three seats away drinking a coke and eating a bag of popcorn. The wafting aroma of the snack made her mouth water and her stomach grumble. Damn I forgot to get food! Lina took at look at her watch. The movie was going to start in mere minutes and she knew with the movie rush it would take forever to get anything from the concession. And there would be no way she'd get back in time and there would be a very slim chance her seat would still be free if she left. Can this get any worse?

As Lina thought that her boy friend sat two rows in front of her with his date, right in direct view of Lina. Well he's officially my ex-boyfriend now! Lina thought miserably.

"Hey Mommy let's sit over there!" A little kid yelled gleefully to her mother.

Lina turned her head in the direction of the girl and found a large family coming her way. Oh don't you sit next to me! Lina mentally pleaded. She hated kids, and this family had four of them! All in the age where they were most annoying to Lina, where most people thought they were so cute and adorable.

Bad luck seemed to be following Lina because the family of six sat right down in the seats next to her. Not only were they loud but they had tones of food!

Lina's stomach growled again at the smell of the all the movie treats they had with them. Why didn't I eat more for lunch! Lina sighed. She got up and moved a seat over. She didn't want to be sitting right next to them. Again she placed her jacket to the seat to her right. Lina lowered herself in her chair and got lost in her lost in her thoughts as she waited for the movie to start.

"Is this seat taken?" A voice asked almost right before the movie started.

Lina snapped her head in the direction of the voice to her right. It was that guy who had been sitting a few seats away from her. "What about your seat?"

"They wanted to get their whole group into one row and they wanted me to move a seat over." The guy pointed to the group that was now occupying the right side of the row.

Lina glared over at the family to her left. She could move over a seat to the left and avoid having this guy sit next to her. But then she would be closer to the annoying family. But if she told him the seat to her right was taken and he sat on the seat to her left he would eventually notice that she was lying thus making her look more pathetic.

Lina sighed and pulled her jacket off the seat. "No it's not, go right ahead." Lina motioned for him to sit next to her.

"Thanks." He smiled shyly as he sat down next to her.

Wow he's got a cute smile. Lina thought with a little smirk of her own. But then her eyes fell back on her ex and his date who were being a little to cozy with each other even thought the movie hadn't started yet. Her mood darkened. And then there was that smell of the popcorn from the guy next to her. Her mood darkened further just as the lights dimmed down signaling the begging of the movie.

15 minutes into the movie...

Lina had this constant angry frown as the movie played before her.

"Not enjoying the movie?" The guy next to her whispered into her ear.

"Why do you think that?" Lina whispered back with a sharp edge in her voice.

"Well most people spend their time paying attention to the movie screen rather then glaring angrily at other movie patrons."

Lina lowered her head. She vowed not to let her ex ruin the movie for her and here he was doing just that!

"Sorry it's none of my business, forget I even said anything." The guys said once he realized he wasn't going to get answer from Lina.

"No it's okay -- " Lina started to say but other people around her shushed her. She opted to whisper more quietly. "Just not having a good day."

"Would some popcorn make it better?" The guy offered her some of his popcorn.

"You're offering me some of your food? But you don't even know me."

"Well they have stupid value packs here. I had to get this huge thing of popcorn just to get this size drink or otherwise they would have charged me nearly triple the price! And I just wanted a little bit of popcorn. Plus you were eying it earlier."

Lina blushed in embarrassment. She was going to decline but her stomach said otherwise.

"Here have some." The guy put the popcorn in between them.

Lina was hesitant at first but eventually dived into the popcorn with a feeding frenzy.

The guy just looked at her blinking. She finished off the rest of the popcorn within seconds.

The problem with eating movie theatre popcorn was that it can be very salty. And after eating quite a bit of it Lina was now very thirsty. She frowned but before Lina could say anything the guy next to her offered her his drink. Lina just cutely smiled and accepted the drink.

After the movie...

When Lina left the theatre room she was very content. After she had ate the popcorn she actually started to focus on the movie and enjoyed the rest of it. Plus the guy next to her was really nice and every now and then they would exchange little jokes during the movie. Lina had completely forgotten about her ex two rows ahead of her.

Lina looked around to see if she could find that guy she had been sitting next to only he seemed to have disappeared. Where did he go?

"Well well well, what do we have here? Lina at the movies all alone?"

Lina turned her body around to see her boyfriend Xellos with his date latched onto his arm.

"Xellos, whose this?" Lina tired not to let any emotion slip into her voice.

"This is Amelia, my date. Don't tell me that you thought we were still dating?" He laughed at her. "You probably did and you came here to for that stupid little date we had planned a month ago. So what did you do Lina, watch the movie all by your lonesome?" His voice was very sinister.

"Nope, she came with me." The guy who had been sitting next to Lina during the movie came up behind them and linked arms with Lina. "Sorry to keep you waiting Lina, just went to get a refill of pop for us. So who's this guy? Friend of yours?"

"No. Just a guy from school." Lina shrugged.

"So what do you want to eat? Pizza? Burgers? Or both?" The guy asked he and Lina walked off.

Xellos just stood there with his mouth hanging open.

Once Lina and her little savoir were out of Xellos' sight and hearing they broke down laughing.

"That was too funny! Thank you so much for that! I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't shown up!" Lina laughed.

"Well I was glad to have been of service milady." He bowed his head at her and they both started laughing again.

"So I guess I'd best get going. Bye." Lina started to walk off.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her back towards him. "You don't want to go out for pizza and burgers?"

"You were serious?"

"Oh yeah definitely. After the way you attacked my popcorn you must be pretty hungry. And I would be a fool to pass up a chance to have a date with a beautiful redhead. It will be my treat." He said trying to sound suave and cool but instead came off nervous and cute all at the same time.

Lina blushed. "Okay sure but remember it's your treat!"

He laughed as they started to walk off.

"Wait a minute I don't even know your name!" Lina exclaimed.

"It's Zelgadis."
