Rose Red And The 7 Chibis

Intro and Info

Relm: Well I've done it again. I've taken another timeless fairy tale classic and slandered it. This one is based on Snow White and the 7 dwarfs. And just because this an anime thing I'm making them chibis instead of dwarfs.

Amelia: Since its Snow White that means that the lead must have pale white skin and black hair, doesn't it? (says while in a dreamy happy state, you know what she's thinking. But is Relm going to do it? Hell no!)

Relm: Well normally it would, but since I changed the dwarf part I've also changed the Snow White part too.

Xellos: To what?

Relm: Rose Red and the 7 chibis!

(Amelia sulks in the corner.)

Lina: So I'm playing the lead again?

Relm: Are you complaining?!

Lina: Um, no! But aren't the readers going to get bored with me being the main character all the time?

Relm: I know, believe me the next fairy tale will be different.

Zelgadis: (In a rather bored and flat voice) Does this mean that I'm playing a prince again?

Relm: Here I'll just put the list so you can all see!

Rose Red: Lina

Prince: Zelgadis

Mirror Voice: Xellos

Old Knight: Rotamis

Chibi #1 (Happy): Xellos

Chibi #2 (Sneezy): Zangulus

Chibi #3 (Sleepy): Naga

Chibi #4 (Grumpy): Martina

Chibi #5 (Bashful): Sylphiel

Chibi #6 (Doc): Filia

Chibi #7 (Dopey): Gourry

Evil Queen: Amelia

Zelgadis: Not surprising I'm a prince again...

Relm: Yeah but I'm making you human in this one. Tell me would you rather be a chibi?

Zelgadis: Hmm... good point.

Amelia: You made me the evil queen?! Oh Miss Relm how could you do that to me? (Amelia says while large teardrops form in her eyes.)

Relm: -_- Grr.... I'm just doing it this once! Okay you'll be getting a good part next time!

Lina: Why is Xellos playing two parts?

Relm: Why not? No one is going to see him and when he's a chibi his voice will be a lot higher pitched. No one would even know that it's the same person.

Xellos: Um, Miss Relm, you realize that you neglected to cast a narrator again...

Relm: @#!$%$^%!!!! I'll be back in a minute!

(Relm disappears and doesn't come back for 10 minutes)

Relm: Okay problem solved.

Filia: Who is going to be the narrator?

Relm: Quite simple, the narrator will be (drumroll).....(crash!) the narrator!

Everyone except Relm: (Facefaults)

Zelgadis: But who is the narrator?

Relm: I don't know his name!

Everyone except Relm: (Sweatdrops)

Xellos: So you don't know his name? If you don't know him how do you know if he'll do a good job?

Relm: I do know him, but I don't know if he has a name. Haven't you guys ever been to Carbunkle's Corner? Well I've hired Carbunkle's narrator from his 'Slayers, Huh? What?!' series. (Everyone looks at Relm funny) What he's a good narrator! I don't care what Carbunkle and his guys said! And besides we had Gourry narrating the last one for crying out loud! If he can do it than anyone can!

Gourry: Huh?

Relm: -_- Nevermind...

Martina: (Comes in looking a bit worried) Um, Miss Relm?

Relm: Oh hi Martina! Have you seen the cast list? Since you don't have the flu anymore I put you this fanfic!

Martina: That's what I've come to talk to you about... you know about my flu right?

Relm: Yeah?

Martina: Well.... I kinda.... Gave it to someone else...

Relm: -_- Who?

Martina: Zangulus.

Relm: You knew that you were sick and you still were fooling around with him? (no not in that sense! They were just kissing! Man what sick minds...) What am I going to do? I have no one to play Sneezy!

Ryoga: Um where am I?

Relm: Perfect you got lost again! You can play Sneezy in place of Zangulus!

Ryoga: I what?

Relm: Okay lets get this show on the road!

Rose Red and the 7 Chibis

Narrator: Our story starts off in large and beautiful kingdom far, far away... (Zelgadis: Isn't he ripping that off a bit?

Relm: Hmm... Don't know, quite a few fairy tales start off like that.) where lived a happy queen and king. The King and Queen were very happy together and made sure that their kingdom was as peaceful as they could make it.

That's why they were overjoyed when the Queen became pregnant, they would be able to grace their kingdom with an heir. But on the day of Princess Rose Red's birth there was great sadness. Rose was a very beautiful and sweet baby, but the Queen died giving birth to her. The King was grief stricken and didn't know how he would be able to take care of Rose all by himself. That's why when Princess Amelia came along the King married her on a rebound.

Indeed Queen Amelia was very pretty, beautiful in fact, but beauty is only skin-deep. Inside her heart and soul she was ugly and bitter. (Amelia: Miss Relm! How could you do this to me?

Relm: Because you are such a good actress that I know that you could easily pretend to be evil with no problem.

Amelia: Wow! You really think that I'm that good? Okay I'll be the best evil Queen that I can be!

Relm: (muttering under her breath) Gee I really lied my way out of that one.) The King did not love Queen Amelia, who in return did not love him, but the King stayed married to her for Rose's sake.

For the most part the King was still in charge of things and that really bugged Queen Amelia. She wanted to have complete power over the kingdom, but there was nothing she could do. Then she thought of a plan. Using a special potion she made, Queen Amelia put into the King's food and it caused him to become ill and bedridden. Queen Amelia gained complete rule while the King remained in his bed and no one ever saw him after that. (Zelgadis: You just did that so you would have to cast someone to play him right?

Relm: Shut up! And get off the set, you don't show up till later!)

Besides power Queen Amelia had another obsession, her beauty. She wanted to remain the most beautiful and enchanting woman around, and went lengths to remain so. How did she know if she was the most beautiful? Well she had an enchanted mirror that told her so. The mirror never lied and always knew the truth.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"

"My you of course my dear. No one could compare to your beauty and grace."

"Oh you flatter me, mirror."

"I only tell the truth."

They went though this little routine everyday, and it was the same every time without a change.

Years passed and kingdom wasn't as happy as it once was. The kingdom wasn't in terrible shape, but Queen Amelia neglected the feelings and opinions of the people. She just didn't care about them she only cared about herself. The kingdoms people wished to see their King, but because of Queen Amelia's doing they could not. The only joy they got was seeing their Princess, Rose Red. She had grown to be a beautiful young woman with flawless skin; long wild red hair the color of a newly bloomed rose and her red eyes sparkled like red rubies. Her beauty was only matched by the pure and kindness of her heart. Rose cared for everyone and always seemed to find a way to make a sad person happy.

Queen Amelia hated it. She was insanely jealous of Rose Red; everyone seemed to like her more than Amelia. If it had not been for her mirror still telling she was the most beautiful, Queen Amelia might have down something wicked to her little stepdaughter.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all?"

"Oh my dear, I'm sorry to say, but that woman is no longer you."

"What?! I am not the fairest anymore?! Who is?!"

"Why your little stepdaughter, Rose Red."

"That little flat chested brat?! How could she be more prettier than me?!"

(Lina: Flat chested?!

Relm: I personally don't think you are and I'm sure others would agree (winks at Zelgadis who starts to blush like mad.) but it just seemed like the perfect thing to say. Don't worry Xellos will be defending you.

Xellos: Yes Miss Lina, why I think you are perfect the way you are...(says while looking her up and done, which causes Lina to blush, but before she could smack him Zelgadis came in and did it for her.)

Zelgadis: Don't you even think about it you fruitcake slime!

Xellos: I think you are right Miss Relm... (Gives Relm a sly smile.)

Relm: Thank you for agreeing with me now.

Zelgadis & Lina: About what?

Relm: Tee hee, now wouldn't you like to know...)

"For one thing my Queen, she is not flat chested. She's just quite slim and has a nice figure in her own respect. But it's more than just that. Her beauty is enchanting like an elf and plus she has a profound inner beauty that you lack."

"Well we'll just see about that. If I get rid of her then I'll definitely be the fairest of them all! Mwhahahahahaha!" The Queen's evil laughter echoed through the halls of the castle.

In the main hall of the castle, Queen Amelia waited for her royal knight to come.

"You hailed me my Queen?"

"Sir Rotamis, I have an important task for you."

"What ever you ask my Queen."

"You know of the King's illness, correct?"

"Yes my Queen, he's been sick and in bed for a very long time."

"Well that sickness isn't natural. You see he's been fed poison that has been causing it."

"That's awful my Queen! Who has been doing this? Do you wish me to slay them for you?"

"Yes I would wish you to, Sir Rotamis. And I'm ashamed to say this, but my stepdaughter, Princess Rose Red has been poisoning the King."

Rotamis' gasped.

"Rose Red? Are you certain?"

"Are you questioning me?!"

"N-n-no my Queen!"

"Then this what I want you to do, I want you to escort Rose Red on her next outing outside of the castle. When no one is around I want you to kill her in whatever fashion that will bring out the least suspicion. Though Rose Red is the culprit, people in the kingdom are blind and would not believe it. If she is just thought to be missing then there will be no problem."

"But, my Queen, I'm not sure if I could do that to the princess..."

"Sir Rotamis, you have a family right?"

"Yes my Queen but - "

"What do you think they would think if you didn't follow my orders? What would happen to them?" Queen Amelia's glare was icy and evil. Rotamis knew the underling threat she was proposing.

"When does Rose go on her next outing?"

"Excellent. I knew you would see it my way. She leaves for her next one tomorrow."

"I shall accompany her."

"Leave then, I'll make the arrangements. Oh and Sir Rotamis, I would most frown upon you if I found out you didn't follow my orders. So to make sure, you must bring me Rose Red's heart as proof."

"Uh, yes my Queen," Rotamis grimaced as he left.

During that night the Queen had all the plans set out and in the morning Rotamis and Rose left for her outing.

(Lina: You mean I'm actually going to be in this?

Relm: You better not bug me! Getting me angry is the last thing you want to do.

Amelia: How is my acting Miss Relm? Am I not doing great at this evil stuff?

Relm: Hmmm... oddly you are doing quite well. It almost seems too convincing... (Gives Amelia a suspicious look and Amelia just laughs nervously.)

Zelgadis: Why do I have to be in costume when I'm not even going to be in it for a while? And why haven't you made me human yet?

Relm: I want to surprise Lina at the end. ^-^)

"Oh Sir Rotamis, it is such a beautiful day!"

"Uh, yes my lady. Would you wish to go over to wooded grove by the river?"

"Is that the one with all the lilies?"

(Relm: Ooooh! Foreshadowing!

Amelia: How's that?

Filia: Lilies in some poetry are the flowers that symbolize death.

Relm: Righto Filia! And stop talking everyone! You guys are going to make this a hell of a lot longer than it needs to be!

Lina: Why should that matter?

Zelgadis: Because she's the one who has to put this into html format.

Lina: So you are saying that she is lazy right?


"Yes that is the one."

"Let's go! Any place would be a great place to go after being cooped up in that stuffy castle for so long!" Rose proceeded to drag Rotamis with overactive enthusiasm.

This only made Rotamis feel worse. How I am I supposed to kill her? I don't care what the Queen says but I know it isn't Rose doing that to her father. But if I don't do as the Queen says she could end up doing something awful to my family. What am I going to do?!

They were at the riverbank and Rose was peering far to close to the deep water. Rotamis stood behind her. All he needed to do was push her and he could drown her. Rotamis closed his eyes tight, he couldn't do this.

"Sir Rotamis? Is there something wrong?"

Startled Rotamis opened his eyes to find a very concerned Rose glancing at him.

"I can't do this! My lady I have brought you here on false pretences."

"Then why did you bring me here?"

"I was told to kill you."

"Oh is that all?"

"W-w-w-hat? How can you say 'oh is that all'?"

"So you were told to kill me, so what. If you had tried I would have stopped you anyway. But tell me, why were you told to do this? And whose orders are you following?"

"Your stepmother, the Queen. According to her, you have been poisoning your father, and the effects of the poison are the Kings current illness."

"Don't tell me you believed her."

"Of course not!"

"Even if you did, I should point out that my father's 'illness' started when I was only three. Now how can a toddler poison someone? If anything it was probably my 'dear' stepmother doing the poisoning and trying to blame it on me."

"Would Queen Amelia really do that?"

"Oh she's quite evil, so I would put it past her. I mean she must being doing something evil to you if you were even considering killing me when you knew I was innocent. So tell me how is she threatening you?"

"If I don't kill you she will doing something terrible to my family."

"Hmm... well I was sick of being a princess anyway. Just go back to the castle and say that I am dead and I'll just hang out here. Maybe I could even do some traveling."

"The Queen wants proof that I killed you. She wants me to bring your heart."

"Well we'll just have to fool her with an animals heart. Do you think she would fall for that?"

"Indeed I think she would," Rotamis exclaimed realizing there was a way out. But then he thought of what would also happen, "But Princess Rose if we did that you could never return to the castle."

"I know, but it's okay really. Being a princess highly overrated. And you know what else, they engaged me to this skinny geeky guy who I don't even know. Prince Hallas I think his name was..."

(Lina: What?! You have to be kidding me! You engaged me to Hallas?!

Zelgadis: Whose Hallas?

Amelia: Oh just Lina's Ex-fiancé.

Zelgadis: O.o WHAT?!?!?!

Hallas: Yes I was. Oh Miss Lina come back with me and be my wife! (runs into Lina and hugs her not letting go.) Please Miss Lina!

Lina: GET OFF ME YOU FREAK!!!! (Hits Hallas very hard which knocks him out and then kicks him sending him flying) AND NEVER COME BACK!!!

Relm: ^-^; Well that was pretty interesting...

Zelgadis: And since when were you ever engaged Lina?!

Xellos: Why I would say the chimera seems jealous...

Zelgadis: (big eyed and blushing) Huh? W-w-what are you talking about?!

Relm: Nevermind! Just get back to the story!!!!)

"I don't know if I could do this Princess Rose..."

"You don't have much of a choice now do you?"


"So what animal should we use?"

"I think a deer would be the best choice."

"Okay then."

Rose and Rotamis waited at the groove till a deer came by to get some water at the river. Rotamis took it by surprise and killed it quickly making sure it felt very little pain. With the heart dealt with, they split ways, Rotamis to the castle, Rose on her own.

Inside the castle a very nervous Rotamis approaches Queen Amelia.

"So you killed the traitor?"

"Yes my Queen."

"Let me see the heart."

Rotamis nervously hands the bag with the deer's heart in it to Queen Amelia, who snatches it from him. She examines it for a few moments and as each second went by Rotamis got more nervous.

"I see you have done a job well done Sir Rotamis. Your family will be proud. Now leave."

"Yes my Queen."

Rose Red wandered the forest for a very long time and she was getting very tired. She wanted to go take a nap but she didn't think it was smart to just sleep in the woods. Luck smiled upon her because all of a sudden she found a quaint little cottage.

"Perhaps if I ask the owners nicely they would let me stay there for a little while."

She walked up to the door and knock, but she got no answer. She knocked harder, no answer. Then she was pounding on the door and still no one answered her. She gave up and tried the door to see if it was open. Oddly enough it was unlocked.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"

Rose walked inside the cottage and marveled at her surroundings. Everything was very small, starting from the closet and ending with the dinning table. Also there seemed to be seven of everything. Seven coat hangers, seven plates, seven dinning room chairs... Looking around the room she still didn't see anyone so she tried upstairs. Up there she found only a bathroom and a bedroom. The bedroom was odd there were seven little beds. Seeing the beds only reminded Rose on how tired she was. Against her better judgment, Rose pushed all the beds next to each other, laid down on it and fell asleep.

Off in the distance seven little chibis return home from their hard day at work.

"I'm hungry, who is making dinner tonight?"

"I think Filia should because she didn't do much work today."

"Why you rotten trash! Just for that I think you should be forced to do it, but if that happened you would just end up poisoning us with your terrible cooking!"

"At least I cook."

"Why you!"

"(yawn) Okay you two, stop it. I think it's Sylphiel's turn anyway," said a very sleepy and drunk Naga. Naga falls asleep and collapses on Martina.

"AHHHH!!! Get this dead wait off ME!!!!" Martina shoves Naga off who just falls to the ground. Gourry and Xellos just pick her up and continue on their way home.

Back at their home they decided to take Naga to bed so that she can sleep it off, only to find a certain red-hared princess was sleeping on all of their beds.

"Who is this girl?"

"I don't know..."

Rose Red opened her eyes to see three little chibi people.

"Oh look she's awake!"

"Um, hello..."

"Hello my name is Xellos. My friends call me Happy. My friend here is Gourry whom we all call Dopey, and this slumbering person here is Naga otherwise known as Sleepy. Tell me what is your name and why are you in our home?"

"Well... um... you see... ah... it's kinda a long story..."

A few hours latter in the dinning room of the chibi's home Rose finished off her story.

"... and then I woke up. I'm sorry but I was really tired and well the door was open and no body was home."

"Strange I wonder who left the door unlocked. Who had the key today?" Filia, otherwise known as Doc mused out loud.

"Well it sure as hell wasn't me, and I don't care! We should throw this little intruder out the door!" Martina aka Grumpy barked out.

"Now, now Martina that would be very rude. She is our guest and it's not like it was her fault this happened anyway," Sylphiel, Bashful to others, said trying to calm Martina down.

"I think Dopey here was supposed to have it today," Ryoga, known as Sneezy, said pointing at Gourry.

(Relm: Hey! You are supposed to be Sneezy!

Ryoga: So? Aren't I doing this right?

Relm: No! Because you are playing Sneezy you actually have to be sneezy!

Ryoga: That's stupid and I don't care! I didn't even want to be in this thing anyway! (The chibi formed Ryoga said stomping his foot)

Relm: Ahhh! You look sooooo cute!!

Everyone except Relm: (sweatdrop, facefault combination)

Amelia: Do you like Mister Ryoga or something?

Relm: No. I've just never really ever seen him as a chibi before and I can't help it, the 7 of you all just look so darn cute! Besides why would I? He's just going to end up with Ukyo anyway.

Ryoga: WHAT?! UKYO?! I thought I was going to end up with Akane!

Relm: Personally I don't think that's going to happen buddy. Anyway knock it off all of you and back to work!)

"Have what?"

"The key!"

Gourry thought long and hard for a few moments.

"What key?"

Everyone facefaults.

"Did you even take our HOUSE key with you when we left for work today?!"

"No I don't think so..."

"It's probably still upstairs. So your highness what are you planning to do? You have no place to go."

"I honestly hadn't thought that far ahead."

Six of the chibis (minus Naga who was in the bedroom sleeping) got together in a huddle. They whispered to each other for a few minutes and then broke off to face Rose.

"Princess Rose Red, would you like to stay with us for a while?"

"You'd let me stay here?"

"Yes we'd be glad to have you here."

"Okay, but under one condition."


"You guys all stop this 'princess' and 'your royal highness' stuff. I hate being called things like that. Just call me Rose."

"Alright then, now lets get back to problem we were dealing with earlier before all of this happened. What are we going to have for dinner?"

A few weeks passed by and the things were going well for Rose. She was getting along quite well with the chibis and they really enjoyed having her staying with them.

(Lina: Okay now that was definitely not thought out logically. If I stayed with them in such a small house I'd go nuts! Not to mention where is ‘Rose Red' supposed to be sleeping?

Relm: Okay I've seen the actually Disney version of Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs only once and not the whole thing! So I'm naturally going to leave some time gaps.

Zelgadis: Wait a minute you haven't seen the whole movie? Then how the hell are you supposed to do this fic anyway?!

Relm: Hey! And since when do you have to watch the Disney version to know a fairytale? I've only had Snow White as well as many others implanted into my brain from all the times I've read them all! So shut up! Man would you guys please stop chatting like this? There is soo much more chit chat in this one than in 'Sleeping Amelia'! I'm at nine pages already and it's not even done!

Filia: How long was 'Sleeping Amelia'?

Relm: Eleven pages long. So guys just cut me some slack!)

The kingdom on the other hand was not doing so well. Ever since Princess Rose Red's disappearance, all of the people where in an uproar. They were all so worried about her and everyone was trying their best to find her, except Queen Amelia that is. She was happy about the whole thing and satisfied that Rose was dead. So satisfied that she didn't even bother asking her mirror who was the most pretty.

But one day she was bored and walked into her room and on a whim decided to ask the mirror her repeated question.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, whose the fairest of them all?"

"You are the fairest in this kingdom my dear."

"In this kingdom? But what of elsewhere?"

"No my sweet there is another more fairer than you."


"Your little stepdaughter, Rose Red, she still lives."

"WHAT?! How can this be?!"

"Apparently Rotamis didn't do the job after all."

"Well I'll deal with him later. I guess if you want to get something done you have to do it yourself! Tell me mirror where is my 'dear' stepdaughter?"

The mirror's reflection changed to show an image of the seven chibi's cottage.

"Well Rose wont get out of this one, this time! Mwhahahahahahahahahaha!!!"

"Ah-choo! Hmm am I getting a cold?" Rose said out loud as she washed the outside windows of the house. The seven chibis had gone off for work leaving Rose home alone in the cottage.

From not too far away Amelia watched Rose from behind a tree. Hmm... now what am I going to do to you? I know! Amelia walked away far enough so that Rose would not be able to see her. Then Amelia chanted some words and was transformed into an ugly old woman. Walking over to a tree nearby she picked a few apples and put them into a basket. With a few drops of a strange liquid all the apples became poisonous and would put whomever ate them into a deep dark sleep that would last forever. If I know my stepdaughter, she has the appetite of at least eight grown men. There is no way she would refuse free food.

Coming up in front of the cottage Amelia glanced at Rose in the eyes.

"Ah miss, would you care for some apples? It seems that I have too many."

"How much are you asking?"

"No it's free here take it," Amelia hangs the basket to Rose who eagerly takes it.

"Yeah free food!"

Rose goes to take a bit of one of the apples just has Amelia makes a hasty exit.

Hmm, this apple taste good... but what is that weird after taste? That was Rose's last thought before everything went black and she fainted.

The seven chibi's soon after returned home to find Rose poisoned by the apples. They tried their hardest to wake her up, but nothing would work. It was hopeless, so the chibis gave up and made a flower tomb for her with a glass dome on placed Rose in it. They were all crying, even Grumpy. There was a solemn silence that was interrupted by the sound of horse's hoofs. On a white horse a man dressed in gray and blue with light violet hair and blue eyes came riding in and saw the display. He looked at the woman in the glass tomb and the site took his breath away. She was so beautiful and looked so peaceful like a sleeping angel.

"Who is this woman, and what happened to her?"

"She was poisoned by someone. We don't know why anyone would do this to her!"

"But tell me who is she?"

"Her name is Rose Red."

"The princess? This was the girl that originally engaged to my annoying cousin Hallas. When she disappeared my father asked me if I could go look for her. Funny I should find her this way. Tell me, she's not dead is she?"

"No, but in a deep sleep that we can't wake her up from."

"Hmm, I once heard a story about a princess being put to sleep and being woken up by the kiss of a prince. Do you think that would work?"

"Maybe, but there are no princes around to try it."

"Actually my friends, I am Prince Zelgadis. So please remove the glass cover."

The chibis did as instructed and Zelgadis approached the sleeping princess. He ran his fingers gently across her face, cupped her chin and kissed her lightly on the lips. Rose's eyelids fluttered and she awoke. All the chibis cheered and Zelgadis blushed slightly.

(Lina: Whoa! (Lina bug eyes and looks at Zel up and down)

Relm: Cute huh?

Lina: Oh yeah, he looks good! Man he was already good looking as a chimera, but as a human, holy cow!

Relm: ^-^)

"Who are you?"

"I am Prince Zelgadis. I apologize for the kiss, I only wished to awake you."

"Oh no need to apologize a assure you. Do any of you know where that old woman went?"

"We never saw her."

"Okay then, do you guys still have those apples?"

"You're not seriously thinking of eating another one are you?"

"No, of course not! She used a magic potion for that poison and if I have one of the apples I can use it to track her magic aura."

Rose was handed a apple and using a spell, she located the old woman only to discover that it was her stepmother and that she hadn't left the forest yet.

They all ran in pursuit till they caught up with her. They had Queen Amelia cornered in front of edge of a cliff face.

"And just what are you planning to do to me?"

"I don't know, but I can't let you do this sort of stuff to anyone else anymore!"

"Okay you want to play hard ball then fine! DARK MIST!"

A battle between everyone against Amelia waged on with no one wining. Stupidly enough though Amelia casted a spell to suck people into a lifeless void only to get herself trapped into it. She casted the spell, but Zelgadis not only dogged it but deflected it back at Amelia.

"Now that she's gone I can go home and everyone can be happy!"


"What's the matter Zel?"

"Well with everything fine now you are going to have to marry my cousin Hallas."

"Ugh! You're right, unless I can find another prince to marry. Say Zelgadis how would you like to go on a date?"

"With you, I'd be honored."

End of Scene

Relm: Okay now that is another one wrapped up!

Xellos: Um, Miss Relm, what happened to Amelia? Where is she now?

Relm: That spell she casted took her to my ranting room I think...

(Somewhere amidst all of Relm's worped thoughts)

Amelia: AHHH!!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!

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