Episode 1: Beach bunnies and Shabby Mugs!

It's a beautiful morning in the wonderful town Atlas. Everything so peaceful, so tranquil..."Ahhhhhh" ....ummm maybe not THAT peaceful

In a nearby Inn

"Ahhh", Zelgadis screams," Gourry how many times have I told you not to mix ANY reds with the light clothes!?!"

Gourry with a far off look on his face replys, "Um.....hmm...I..think...yes...about 4 times!"

Zelgadis is really pissed off now. (AN: points at Zelgadis with pointer notice the hunched over back, the ragged breathing, that weird glint in his..)

Zel pops up "Enough I think they get the picture!"

Author SLIGHTLY ticked, "Fine okay I'll stop."

Zelgadis turns back to Gourry.

Author with a triumphant grin, "Rockface", (AN: Ha Kylie Chan :P) and disappears to that place all fanfic writers go when writing a fic.

Zel clears his throat, "Anyway back to the story", turns to Gourry. "How am I supposed to look DARK and MYSTERIOUS in THIS!" Zel points to the horrendous set of threads he was currently donning. Zel's clothes, the usual long pants and long sleeved shirt with a hood thing was instead of baige was now...yup..you guessed in bright pink. And we aren't talkin light people this thing was straight up...well..kinda..um..funky lookin so much so the author decided to change Zel's name to Zelly. (AN: Hence the Title)

Gourry after thinking a bit comes up with a idea. Okay nobody faint. "Easy Zel, add a few of these here and there." He begins to fix Zel's clothes...I think.

20 min later

"Voila," Gourry exclaims, "Primed and ready for action!"

Zelly in his hot pink suit now has little pink bows and ribbons in his hair and around his outfit.

Gourry hands him a mirror. Zelly promtly faints.

Gourry to Zel, "hey man it's your turn to sing the theme song."

Zel groans, "Okay okay." Zel begins to sing a bad redition of Give a Reason and he's way out of key.

Gourry in sheer pain, "Noooo! Anything but that one! Please stop please..Oh the horror!"


A now unconcious Gourry lays on the floor while Zel finishes his song.

"I'm hungry let's stop at the next town for lunch your treat!", Gourry exclaims.

A bored Zelly replys, "Yeah whatever. Hey, you know it's a lot quieter without the girls around."

"Cheaper too", Gourry laughes in reply.

The 2 men stop face each other slap high fives and begin to dance and sing in pure happiness.

Gourry "Born to be WILD!"

Zelly "I'm FREE!"

Xelloss "Shake your grove thang!"

Gourry and Zelly imediatly spin around toward to face the trickster Priest and exclaim, "XELLOSS!"

"Ohayo minna-san!," Xelloss says in a cheery tone. he glances around after too noticing the silence. "Um..where are the girls?"

Gourry opens his mouth to speak but Zelly spits out a lie hoping to rid them of the trickster priest.

"Their at the Beach", Zel shouted.

Gourry a little shocked, "So, Lina let me with you?"

Zel hits Gourry on the head repeatedly. "Shut up!"

Xelloss freaky grin only grows wider. "Really and why are you here and not there Zel-chan?"

"I can't swim I sink to the bottom," Zel answered blushing.

"Like a rock," Gourry laughed, and proceeded to imitate a dive bomb along with an accompanied whistle.


Panning left form a swirly eyed burnt (AN: But still the cutest) Gourry. We see a very perterbed Zelly clear his throat.

"As I was saying," Zel continued, "I don't go swimming."

Episode 2   |   Fanfiction