Dark Lullaby


I don't own this Slayers character. I don't own the song. The song belongs to Witch, my imouto-chan! I must be rubbing off on her...

This lullaby is really dark. The fic is really dark. What else did you expect from me?

Can't even talk
Can't even cry
Can't even sing a lullaby


That's all she saw.

She tried to talk, but nothing came out.

A tear tried to make its way out of her eye, but stopped halfway.

Don't even cry
Don't even try
It gonna won't matter anyway


Clothing... never seen before...

The tear finally shed, but did it matter?

Did it?

A voice speaks to you
A voice of light
It tells you all of its secrets


A sea surrounding her.

Whisperings surrounded her.

Words that one shouldn't know...

Don't be shy
Don't run away
It's gonna be okay, okay


The ocean. Beautiful...

This will be fine in the end. She knew that.


Not worth it
Don't even try
It's all useless anyway


The earth under her held her feet.

Will it be worth it to try?

Is it worth it?

You don't have to talk
You don't have to cry
Just follow me to the end


Follow her.

You don't have to talk.

This will be fine, 'till the end.

Won't see you scream
Won't see you cry
They don't know anything


The dirt under her feet.

Leaving the ocean.

They won't see.

Follow me
To the end
That is where you are to go


That's all she could see.

So she must follow it.

To go where she wants.

This is the way
The only way
All else is pointless


That's who that girl is.

The shade of...

Don't think!

It's alright
It's okay
You'll soon sing your lullaby


The sun sets.

She remembers everything.

And she doesn't want to.

So it goes
The death of the day
It's not the only thing that died today


The color of her mother's robes.

The color of her old clothes.

I'm no longer Gracia.


Yes, the person here is Naga. It starts with the death of her and Amelia's mother, then to how she tries to kill herself after her kaa-san's death, finally to Gracia, now Naga, meeting Lina. I kinda love how evil I am. ^_^
