Part 25: You take the High Road and I'll take the Low Road

"...And that's how I ended up in that tree." 'Dancer concluded. Zelgadis said nothing, simply turning the events over in his mind. Then he scratched his head.

"He said 'star strike' to trigger the Blade of Light effect?"

"Zel! You're not paying attention to what I said. I couldn't get out of the magic circle. That priestess clearly thought I should have been able to. I wanna know why! And how come I got sick like when I use magic, only I hadn't?" Zelgadis gave her a grumpy look.

"Without having seen the magic circle in question, I can't rightly say why you couldn't cross or why you got sick. But I can say this, the cause to both problems was the circle itself. Granted, I don't know which glyphs she used, but she could have used any number of magic bind spells that could actually have leeched the magic out of you, and caused you to get ill as if you had used the magic."

'Dancer calmed down some, understanding the limits with which he was working with.

"You still shouldn't have left me hanging like that."

"Don't make up stupid names for me."

"What was I suppose to say, my traveling companion is the chimera with a price on his head Zelgadis Greyweyrs?" Zelgadis gave her a flat look.

"Zelimus Pikachu?"

"I was under a lot of stress!" 'Dancer snapped, then sighed. "Look, I'm sorry that I embarrassed you and that he joined us. But that line has always worked in the past."

"When in the past?"

"In Portland." Realization suddenly donned on her. "When I was hanging out a bars with five or six buddies..." She covered her face with her hand. "Diosa, I'm a moron." Zelgadis rolled his eyes.

"Apology accepted. Look, 'Dancer, you're generally pretty quick on the uptake, so let me offer a piece of advice. Don't get involved. Don't bring attention to yourself, and don't volunteer information to anyone." 'Dancer nodded, and they walked on in relative silence, each adventurer lost in their own thoughts. As the moon moved lower in the sky they made camp under a slight overhang. 'Dancer quickly made herself comfortable, curling up into a ball by the stone Zelgadis enchanted to keep them warm. Zelgadis staid up longer, his thoughts keeping him from sleep. Finally, figuring there was nothing he could do about any of them, he drifted off, still sitting up.

"Figures, one day from our destination, and the heavens would open up." 'Dancer peered out from their scant shelter as thick grey clouds dropped their heavy loads. "I'd almost swear that we're fated not to reach Saaphiro, Zel."

"Don't say that." Zelgadis scowled at her. 'Dancer watched him pace restlessly.

"So, how about raywinging us in?" Zelgadis shook his head.

"Too visible. And too much of an expenditure."

"What about a weather clearing spell?"

"Again too visible. Also, any magic user worth their salt will notice use that sort of power."

"And we're facing magic users?"" Zelgadis nodded. "Powerful magic users."

"How powerful?"

"Lina powerful." He looked back over at her uncertainly. "You know you don't have to come."

"Yeah, right, like I'm going to miss out on what promises to be the biggest fight since War between the Gods." Zelgadis didn't say anything for a long moment.

"I'd rather you didn't go."

"We're not going to have this discussion again are we? I've already - " 'Dancer paused and both travelers stood still, listening.

"Did you - ?" Zelgadis nodded, and both travelers poked their heads out from the shelter.

Running blindly down the muddy path was a smallish man, completely drenched. Beyond the ridge came a high pitched wail, like that of a steam whistle.

"That's the guy from the tavern!" Zelgadis frowned. "That's not the warrior." 'Dancer grimaced. "No, the one who brought his own lesser demon." 'Dancer drew her sais.

" 'Dancer." Zelgadis gave her a level look. "Don't get involved."

"And if we don't have a choice?" 'Dancer asked looking beyond him. Zelgadis turned, and nearly had his head taken off by an armored claw. 'Dancer yanked him out of harm's way.

"Sweet mother." 'Dancer gagged as the smell hit her. "What is that?"

"Lindwyrm." Zelgadis answered, covering his mouth with the hem of his cloak.

"Is it undead?" 'Dancer asked as her eyes watered. Zelgadis shook his head. "Just a carrion eater."

The serpentine monster reared up, clearly torn between chasing the man and dealing with the cornered adventurers.

"I can't breath like this." 'Dancer growled, before darting between the lindwyrm's two sets of hind legs.

"NO! You - BAKA!" Zelgadis shouted after her. The serpent twisted around with the screech of scraping metal, and plunged after her.

"UINDI - " Zelgadis hastily began casting as 'Dancer suddenly dove to the left. The lindwyrm, unable to change it's direction as rapidly, smashed into the softened earth with a tremendous crash. The great beast's neck and back arched as it pulled it's head free from the thick mud.

"BURAMU FANGU." A gust of charged wind slammed into the monster, bowling it over in the mud. The monstrous creature shuddered once, and laid still. 'Dancer stepped away from the tree she'd taken cover behind and cheered.

"That was great Zel! You rock!" She shouted, forgetting herself for a moment. Zelgadis gave her a quizzly look, then smiled, realizing that she meant it as a compliment. She waded through the ankle deep mud back to the shelter, staying as far away from the fallen creature as she could. "Of course, I probably could have been of more help if you'd teach me fireball." She added slyly. Zelgadis just laughed at her not-so-subtle hint. "In this weather? You wouldn't have had enough of a fireball left to light a candle!"

'Dancer grimaced good naturedly. "Can't blame me for trying." Zelgadis opened his mouth to reply when the lindwyrm suddenly lashed out.

"RA - " "DIAMOND!" 'Dancer twisted around to see the huge scaled claw drop, great spurts of yellow blood shooting out of the monster's severed limb.

Blademaster Li spring bounded off a bolder onto the lindwyrm's roiling back, dashing up to it's head. He was heady with delight, feeling practically invincible, his sword singing with power. The lindwyrm twisted around and opened it's mouth. Li could see flame dancing in it's gut.

"TSUNAMI!" A wave gushed from the blade, surging down the lindwyrm's open jaws and ripping it apart from the inside. Li landed with a splash in the ankle deep mud, and turned to smile at the two he'd saved. Oddly, the area was deserted.

"Oi! Where'd they go?"

Zelgadis fumed silently. 'Dancer simmered verbally.

"How in the nine hells did he find us??????" Zelgadis shrugged, trudging through the mud. The rain continued to pour, and 'Dancer pulled her cloak more tightly around her, trying to ignore the small rivulet coursing down her back.

"How come you're not complaining?" She asked him sourly. Zelgadis smiled grimly under his veil.

"I'm listening to our pursuer." 'Dancer stopped and listened carefully for a moment. "There's no one - oh, I get it. You want me to shut up."

It's a thought. Zelgadis didn't dare say that aloud, plodding along. 'Dancer glared at him for a time, then dashed to catch up with him.

"Do you think he knows who we are?" She asked in a more subdued tone. Zelgadis considered the question.

"Possibly." A steam whistle wail interrupted anything he was about to say.

"Another one? What are they, pack animals?" 'Dancer asked as she and Zelgadis made a beeline for cover.

"Hardly. Lindwyrms are highly territorial. There shouldn't be another one for a hundred miles."

"Then someone is controlling them?" 'Dancer scrunched down behind a bolder.

"Without a doubt." Both travelers covered their faces as the monster careened by, sounding like a runaway train. "Your friends?" 'Dancer asked as the ground stopped trembling. Zelgadis looked over the top of the bolder. "If it was, they wouldn't be chasing your mystery man."

"Huh?" 'Dancer stood. Cornered on a precipice, cowering before the massive serpent was the man. Running through the mud hadn't improved his appearance any, and 'Dancer noticed for the first time that he was carrying a tattered bundle.

"Still want to help him?" Zelgadis asked.

"No reason too. Look." 'Dancer pointed to another familiar face. The warrior from earlier raced towards the trapped man, his sword gleaming despite the overcast sky. With a shout he slashed at the monster's haunch, causing the creature to spin around, knocking the man off the edge of the cliff. 'Dancer and Zelgadis shared a pained look.

"We get involved." Zelgadis said after a moment of incredulous silence. 'Dancer quickly clambered down the steep palisades. Above she could hear the sounds of battle raging as Zelgadis joined. Picking her way carefully through the rocks and tall mountain grasses she finally made it to the fallen soul.

"Madre mia." 'Dancer choked, finally seeing the mess which had been a man. Incredibly, the man twitched at her soft cry. How can he still be alive? "Zel! I need you down here!" She called up to the fighters. Something tugged her pant leg. She glanced down, and was surprised to the man trying to talk. "Don't try to talk, just rest." She told him, lowering herself to sit beside him. Damn it, why didn't I make Zel teach me Recovery?

"H...ere," 'Dancer leaned down to hear his tortured whispering. "take... 'im." He tried to lift the bundle clasped to his chest. "You want me to take this?" 'Dancer asked, picking up the huge bundle. She nearly dropped it too when it moved. "¡¿Qué?!" Unwinding the dirty rags she was astonished to find a young boy staring back at her.

"" The man labored to speak. 'Dancer stared at the man, amazed, for in his fall he had twisted around to protect the boy. "Of course." She said unthinkingly. The man shook his head slightly, apparently not satisfied. "Sw...wear... on... h... heart's... bl...ood." 'Dancer took his hand in her own. "On my heart's blood, I swear to protect this child." She told him.

"DEIM WIND!" 'Dancer was hurled further down the mountain side. Rolling out of control she suddenly stopped, one hand on her sai, plunged into the thin soil, the other on the wrapped boy. Where she had been sitting was flattened under several kilotons of monster and stone. 'Dancer shuddered as the whole mountain quaked. Gingerly she sat up, and glanced at the boy. His face was muddied and his bright coffee eyes stared at her inquisitively.

"Momma?" 'Dancer let out a huge sigh of relief, then yelped as the lindwyrm's tail slammed the ground next to her. Holding the boy tight she dashed down the steep escarpment, half running, half falling.


While Zelgadis understood 'Dancer's plight before the Blademaster, Li was able to react before him.

"BUBBLE!" He shouted, pointing his sword at her retreating form. A raywing-like bubble enveloped 'Dancer as the monster slid down on top of her. She hunched down over the boy as the monster slammed into the bubble, knocking it all the way down the mountain and into the river at it's base.

" 'DANCER!!!" Zelgadis called, flying over the river. The water was turbulent from the land-monster-slide.

"Down there!" Li pointed suddenly, standing on a cloud. 'Dancer was emerging on the far shore, still holding the boy. Li reached her first, as Zelgadis was busy hacking the lindwyrm's head off.

"Are you okay Lady Saisan?" Li asked anxiously. 'Dancer coughed, clearing her lungs even as she nodded. "You're cold, here take my cloak." 'Dancer shook her head.

"Are you okay, chico?" She asked the child she held. Somewhere in the river the rags which had covered him were lost, and he shivered in her arms, dressing only in a tunic and shorts. 'Dancer was no better, completely drenched. Li handed his cloak to her anyway and she wrapped the boy in it.

"Is that what the lindwyrm was chasing?" Zelgadis asked, landing. 'Dancer gave him one of her patented looks o' death.

"I'm fine, thanks. And just what the hell were you thinking, deim winding me like that?" She snapped, handing the boy to Li. Zelgadis took a surprised step back. He'd hadn't expected her anger.

"I was just trying to save your life." He retorted defensively. 'Dancer pulled off her dripping cloak, her eyes flashing as she wrung it out, her jerky actions clearly indicating what she'd rather be twisting.

"Why didn't you - " She paused mid-sentence as he grabbed her wrist.

" 'Dancer, where'd you get these?" He asked softly, holding up her arm. 'Dancer stared perplexity at the wrist bracers on her arms. A peal of thunder rolled across the sky and Li shivered despite himself.

"Um... moshi moshi?" The two travelers looked at him, clearly having momentarily forgotten him. "There's a hermit not far from here. I know he'll give us shelter." 'Dancer twisted her hand out of Zelgadis's grasp, and took the boy back from Li. "Let's go."

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