Part 32: Effect

An alarm clock went off, and pierced the warm layers of sleep as it had for the past five years. 'Dancer groaned and rolled over to thump the snooze button.


'Dancer blinked awake, and sat up in a hurry. Her neck protested, as did Zelgadis, who looked remarkably peeved for someone immune to physical attacks.

"What was that for?" He asked, shielding his bashed nose.

"Sorry." 'Dancer rubbed the side of her neck where a stitch had developed. Regardless of her affections for Zelgadis, he made a lousy pillow.

"Ugh..." Li startled the both of them by sitting up and holding his head in his hands. "No more drinking games with minotaurs..." He looked around and blinked when he saw Zelgadis and 'Dancer sitting on the stairwell a step below him.

"Um... does anyone know what just happened?" 'Dancer asked in the startled silence. Li scratched his head and Zelgadis frowned.

"Wasn't Li fighting a Mazoku?" Zelgadis asked.

"I thought 'Dancer had just jumped out a window..." Li responded, and mentally asked Dimitri for a recap. Dimitri only whimpered something about having a horrible migraine, and Li wondered idly how the was physically possible. A hand seized Li from behind.


"I noticed." Zelgadis stood gracefully, pulling 'Dancer to her feet as a battle axe crashed down. 'Dancer used the momentum to kick straight up and into the crotch of the orc holding Li against the wall. The orc lot out a howl as he dropped the warrior and attempted to grab the latina. 'Dancer dropped below the monster's wild swing, then stood up inside his defense and smashed a fist into his throat. Side-stepping the piggish creature's body as it fell forward, she stood directly in front of Li, shielding him from further attacks as he clambered to his feet and drew Dimitri. For someone unarmed, she was doing remarkably well against the marauding orcs, Li thought, as another orc dropped. Dimitri was quick to point out that the stairwell wouldn't allow for more than two people standing side by side, and the way the orcs were flailing their weapons about none of them wanted to get too close to the single orc engaging her at the moment.

" 'Dancer, there's as many on this end as on yours. What direction do we need to go?" Zelgadis asked, calmly kicking another orc into his fellows.

"Ah..." 'Dancer dodged a wild slash, then leaping straight up, slamming her knee into the orc's solar plexus.

"Where's Fledge?" Zelgadis asked, his voice carrying the faintest hint of terseness. Li parried the attack of another orc, giving 'Dancer a momentary break. She closed her eyes.

"Up! Near the top of the tower."

"Fine. Li, how about showing us what your sword can do?" Zelgadis asked, moving up one step so that he was back to back with 'Dancer. Li grinned at Zelgadis's blunt challenge, easing into a stronger stance.


Kenntnis quickly stepped away from the scrying bowl as the water exploded outward. Everywhere it landed it sizzled and ate holes in the floor. The towermaster's eyes narrowed. He had no idea what had broken his dream spell, but whoever it was was considerably more powerful than the trio he had cast the spell on. Turning he glanced at the prone form of the young boy laying on the alter against the east facing wall of his study. The child faintly glowed orange and he frowned. If he didn't kill the child soon, Fledge would break the spells holding him. With a sigh at having to hurry the ritual, Kenntnis pushed up the sleeves of his robe and walked over to the boy.

'Dancer disappeared into the thick cloud of smoke, pushing past the crispy remains of the orcs. Li shouted after her to come back.

"Move!" Zelgadis ordered Li, trying to catch up with 'Dancer.

"What is she, part cheetah?" Li panted behind him as they charged up the stairwell.

"Mostly mule." Zelgadis growled, wishing that he dared use his demon speed, and knowing how critical (and painful) the situation could turn if he accidentally ran through 'Dancer, or worst, a wall. They cleared the stairs and found themselves on a balcony leading to a spiral stair case.

"Where is she?" Zelgadis hissed.

"RAY - " "No! There!" Li pointed his sword towards the shadowed part of the lower staircase. 'Dancer crouched half kneeling clawing at her throat. As the two magic users drew nearer they could see her bracers were glowing brightly beneath her sleeves.

"What's attacking her?" Li asked, looking around wildly.

"Nothing's attacking her." Zelgadis said in a tight voice. He grabbed her wrists, forcing her contorting body to the marble steps. 'Dancer's eyes bugged as her mouth worked soundlessly.

"Someone's attacking Fledge."

"Then what are you waiting fo - " Li asked, seeing 'Dancer's lips turning blue. Zelgadis closed his eyes for a moment, his lips moving...

"Ra-tilto!" Energy gathered under his palms and were forced directly into 'Dancer's bracers.

'Dancer tensed, then went limp as Li struck Zelgadis over the head with the flat of his blade.

"What the hell was that for?!?!?!" Zelgadis shouted at him.

"Why are you trying to kill her?!?!?!?" Li shouted back.

"I'm not trying to kill her, I'm trying to save her!!!!!!!!"

"By pumping a Ra-tilt into her?!?!?!?"

"Yes!!!!!!!!!" Zelgadis seriously considered putting a second spell through Li when he felt something tug at his pant leg.

"It worked." 'Dancer murmured as she was helped to her feet by both warriors. She bit back a sound of pain, and pulled out of Zelgadis's grasp, sagging against Li.

"I don't know how you did it, but it worked." Her eyes were still out of focus. "Whatever was strangling Fledge has stopped, but only for the moment."

Kenntnis reeled backwards, the spirit attack forceful enough to send him to his knees. A small whimper escaped him, and for long moments he just sat there, stunned. Finally he roused himself enough to stand and stumble over to the jade orb on his desk. He touched it briefly, and it glowed softly.

"Kaljav, kill them."

'Dancer stole a look at Zelgadis, and flinched when she saw the hurt/confused expression on his face. She couldn't tell him, was afraid to tell him that, his touch caused pain to spark along the length of her. She grit her teeth and tried to summon what strength she still had.

"I have to go." And promptly fell flat on her face when she let go of Li.

" 'Dancer!" Li caught her before she hit the ground. Zelgadis reached out to steady her, then dropped his hand when he saw her shy away from him. 'Dancer wanted to burst into frustrated tears, not knowing how to explain the strange phenomena. Zelgadis frowned at 'Dancer.

"What - "

"Forgive me, but I'm a busy beast." A dreadfully familiar voice interrupted him.

Li shoved 'Dancer into Zelgadis, drawing his sword as the pallid Mazoku blasted a ball of energy at them. 'Dancer let out a shriek as she connected with Zelgadis. The chimera growled a curse, and yanked 'Dancer behind him as he cast a shielding spell. 'Dancer fell roughly, and suffered a double spasm from the fall and his touch.

What is wrong with me now?!

"Raywing!" 'Dancer watched the floor drop away from her as Zelgadis joined the battle against the Mazoku. With an angry grunt she punched the floor of the raywing, ignoring the tears coursing down her face.

Why now? Why?

The moment the bubble touched down on the top level 'Dancer felt the curious lethargy vanish. She still felt ragged, but found her strength returning as she stood.

Did Zel's spell do this? She wondered, wiping the tears from her eyes, and lurching over to the door on the top floor. She pushed that thought out of her mind as she flung the door open. There was a flash, and the last thing she saw was the room's inner brilliance.

Dimitri felt a chill go through him. Somewhere, just on the edge of his hearing, he fancied he heard something made of glass shatter. But that was impossible, for how could anything that delicate be heard in the middle of pitch battle? As Kaljav was jumping in and out of subspace the bondsword pushed that thought out of his mind, although he couldn't quite shake the feeling that something had just gone terribly wrong.

'Dancer lay sprawled out on the flat of her back on the cool crystal of the floor and wondered what just hit her. There wasn't physical pain, and she could see no injury on her, but at the same time every nerve in her body clamored. Something was broken, she decided, but it was nothing that she could put her finger on.

"So, my dear, my spell worked."

"Your...spell?" 'Dancer's voice was thick and the room seemed to distort as she sat up.

"Yes, yes. I'm quite pleased with the result, actually." A purple haired gentleman reached down and grasped her arm.

'Dancer's breath froze in her lungs, and she was incapable of independent movement as he pulled her to her feet. Once he let go of her the paralysis faded.

"W-what did your spell do?" 'Dancer asked, ignoring the warping of space going on in the corners of the room.

The older man looked at her curiously.

"I dissolved the bond tying you to the boy, of course. That's the whole reason you stormed my tower, isn't it? To save your own life by getting back the boy? "

'Dancer looked at her wrists and saw that indeed the bracers had vanished. She looked back over at the grandfatherly figure.

"This is your tower?"

Kenntnis nodded.

"And you broke the spellbond?"

"Yes. Please, consider it a professional courtesy from one dimensional traveler to another." Kenntnis smiled modestly.

'Dancer felt as if the breath had been knocked out of her.

"How - wha - why do the think I'm a dimensional traveler?" The towermaster smiled benevolently at her.

"I can read it in your aura, child. Your homeworld has left an imprint on your aura that never fades, regardless of the time your spend away, or how you disguise it." His voice was sympathetic, almost hypnotic.

"Not to worry, dear child, I won't reveal the truth to anyone." He moved to touch her, to brush a strand of hair out of her face when an explosion rocked the room.

"What?!" For instant his face contorted and the air of concerned elder vanished, as he grabbed hold of one of the work tables for support. 'Dancer blanched, realizing how close her had come to falling under another of his spells. She grabbed a tall candle rack and knocked Kenntnis's feet out from under him. Spinning the rack over her head like a fighting staff she brought it down on his prone form.

Only he wasn't where he had been laying a moment ago. 'Dancer snarled, and barely had time to bring the iron rack up to block the towermaster's long bladed knife. Sparks flew where the two collided, and 'Dancer used the slight momentum she had to push the towermaster away. She rush over to Fledge.

He was so pale 'Dancer could see the fine veins under his skin.

"What have you done to him?" She shouted, hurling the rack at Kenntnis. The towermaster merely sidestepped the projectile, glowered at the furious latina.

"It's a sleep spell. Why do you persist to protect him? I know you were tricked into being his Guardian. I've freed you. You can leave now!" Kenntnis's eyes narrowed.

"Like I'd leave an innocent child in danger. Why are you doing this? What has Fledge ever done to you?" 'Dancer demanded, drawing her sais.

"That 'innocent child', as you so quaintly call him, is merely the means to a end. And I have gone to great lengths to procure him. Now stand aside!"

"Over my dead body." 'Dancer retorted, and wondered why he wasn't using any magic

"If you insist." Kenntnis lashed out, and 'Dancer very quickly found herself on the defensive.

For an old guy, he's quick. The towermaster hammered her. ˇAya! And strong!

'Dancer stumbled back into the stone altar. Kenntnis scowled at her.

"Your persistence is admirable. Rather than make me kill you, how about a trade? Your life, and those of your friends, for the boy's."

Does he really believe I'd just leave Fledge like that? Or.. am I really strong enough to be a threat to him? 'Dancer wondered, wishing she dared wipe the sweat from her brow. And why hasn't he used magic? I know he can work it. She moved slightly, resting her back more fully against the alter, then blinked.

What she had initially mistaken for spatial distortion wasn't a distortion at all, but faint strands emanating from the towermaster into the room itself. It shimmered, barely perceivable, the way heat distorts distance in a desert. Is this his aura? Or perhaps his magic? ˇDiosa! No wonder he can't cast anything, he's practically holding the entire tower together! No wonder he wants this fight over in a hurry. Maybe if I stall him long enough I can weaken him enough to win.

Another explosion rocked the tower, and 'Dancer spared a thought for Li and Zelgadis.

"What sort of end are you planning to use him for?" She barked.

"Pheh." Kenntnis straightened up out of his half crouch, and pushed his bangs back in place.

"I have only one desire, and that's to leave this accursed world." He gifted her with a peevish look.

"And in case you haven't noticed, Far Traveler, nothing short of a very powerful wish spell can get people out of this place."

"I don't understand." 'Dancer lied.

"This world is much like a lobster trap." Kenntnis sighed. "One can easily cross the barriers into it, but they can't get out of it again. *I* can leave, but only if I have the power to blow through the Seals in place."

"And killing Fledge would give you that power?"

"Of course! I don't kidnap children for my health. Do we have a deal or not?" Kenntnis was clearly running out of patience.

"Have you ever considered what destroying the Seals on this world may do?" 'Dancer deliberately ignored his question.

"Why should I care?" Kenntnis shot back, and hefted his blade. "Since you clearly have no intentions to be sensible, DIE!" He flung himself at her. This was the chance 'Dancer was hoping for. She kicked herself away from the alter, rushing straight into him, then twisted just slightly, her left sai fouling his knife strike, and her right pining his free hand to his side.

A series of explosions threw the overbalanced fighters to the floor. 'Dancer slammed her shoulder hard, dropping one of her sais. As she scrambled to her feet, she hit her head on the underside of a work table, nearly knocking herself senseless. Panting and dazed, she waited for death to strike. When it didn't, she gingerly rolled over and stared at the prone form of the fallen towermaster.

Kenntnis had rolled onto his back, his own blade protruding from his chest. He was trying to say something, and 'Dancer struggled to her knees. After a shaky moment she pulled the knife out. There was a horrible sucking sound and then Kenntnis gave her a pained smile.

"Mercy... for... me? How... very... strange."

The towermaster closed his eyes and was still.

'Dancer stared for a moment at the dead man, then wept from frustration and relief.

The sound of a footfall alerted her to the nearing presence of another and 'Dancer rubbed her face, looking up.

Zelgadis stood just inside the doorway, the most peculiar expression on his face.

"Zel, wha - "

"Fledge is the final ingredient that he needed?" Zelgadis's flat voice might as well have been a fist in the gut.

No, please not this. Not now. 'Dancer's stricken expression was all the confirmation Zelgadis needed. He strode purposely into the room as 'Dancer wobbled to her feet.

"Zel, please, don't do this."

Zelgadis stopped and studied her.

"Are you going to stop me?"

'Dancer flinched, and knew that she didn't have the strength or will to stop him. She dropped her sai and gave him a look of pure anguish.

"Please Zel - "


"Yes I do know what it's like! I've been living your past night after night and in a lot on my waking hours! Zel, I-"

"Then why do you want me to suffer?" Zelgadis queried calmly, walking toward her.

"I don't - "

"Why are you trying to stop me from returning to being a human?" He was almost directly in front of her. If he'd only let her get a word in edgewise!

"I - "

" 'Dancer, do you really hate me so much?"

"No! I want you to find a cure, I want to help you find a cure, I - "

"Then step aside." Zelgadis's voice was so soft, and so persuasive, that 'Dancer knew she had lost the battle. She stared into the depths of his eyes, into the very depths of his soul and knew anything she said or did would be useless. Her gaze dropped to her boots. She loved him too much to actively oppose him, and he knew it.

"Leave 'Dancer." He said quietly. "You don't have to watch this."

'Dancer's head snapped up and Zelgadis was startled to see the grief mirrored in her expression.

"I'm sorry Zel. I'm so sorry." She shook her head, and refused to budge.

Zelgadis's cool evaporated into rage. His sword was unsheathed and pressed against her throat before 'Dancer could blink.

"Move to one side, woman, or I will carve my path through you!" He promised.

"I'd die for you Zel." 'Dancer said softly, feeling the blade resting against her jugular. "But I don't want to live if you become a monster in human form."

Zelgadis's expression was one of pure hatred, and 'Dancer could feel a trickle of blood as he pressed closer. She held his gaze with hers, hoping to shear this moment into his memory for all eternity. She would not die hating him, but she didn't intend to make this any easier on him.

Her blood flowed down his sword until it reached the guard, then dripped to the floor. He pressed closer, then lowered his sword. He was shaking, he was so angry.

Neither one spoke, Zelgadis, bloodied sword in hand, nor 'Dancer, with red now staining her over tunic.

Then he turn on his heal and left. 'Dancer waited three heartbeats, then sank to her knees and pressed her palm to her wound, too weary to even think.

That was how Li and Ramius found her some time later.

"...and then he left." 'Dancer finished her story with a hollow voice as she stared into the cheery campfire at the base of the tower. She'd left nothing out of her story, not even her extra-dimensional origins, although Dimitri suspected it was more due to shock than any desire to be honest. Several other mages besides Ramius had stuck around after the magical chains enslaving them had suddenly disappeared, and it was to them she told of what had transpired at the top of the tower. Fledge, who had come out of his enchanted sleep the moment Ramius and Li had entered the room, lay sleeping with his head in her lap and Li's cloak tucked in around him.

"What a bastard." Li muttered to Ramius. Ramius frowned, but didn't say anything. He had healed 'Dancer's wounds when they had found her, but now he was beginning to wonder if anyone could heal the mental anguish the young woman was suffering. He tried to offer some sort of condolence, particularly seeing that Li was taking an especial interest in the her.

"But he didn't kill you. Shouldn't that mean that he loved you in return?" Ramius ignored the pointed look Li gave him. 'Dancer shook her head, and absently stroked Fledge's hair.

"It only means that he wanted to keep what little humanity he had left."

Perhaps, Dimitri mused to Li, or perhaps he didn't want to destroy the only thing beautiful left in his life.

Li didn't answer, in truth, he didn't know how to answer that sort of insight, and gathered the soul-weary latina in his arms. 'Dancer rested her head against his chest and wished for the blesséd oblivion sleep could provide.


Authoress's note: Thank heavens this fic is FINALLY over. I have to admit that I nearly killed off 'Dancer a half dozen times during the writing process, once this story took on a life of it's own. However, I didn't, and I'm actually glad I could end it this way. For those of you who were wondering this fic would have taken place between volume 3 and volume 5 of the original Slayers series. I have been toying with the idea of a sequel to this fic, but it would only be 5 ep.s long and have the entire cast and crew of Slayers NEXT in it. If you want to receive the sequel, send me an e-mail at Also I love feedback so please feel free to write with any opinions, ect.

May shade and sweet water be yours,

Stormdancer Yomochi

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