Part 7: Glamour! Who'd want to be a model anyway?

Lingual notes:

  1. Socorro = help

'Dancer sat up to her nose in blissfully warm water.

Ahhhhhh, lovely, lovely warmth. Eyes shut in pleasure she sighed as each travel weary muscle relaxed under the soothing ministrations of the bath. Despite being in the center of the bustling public bath-house, 'Dancer was in heaven.

"So what's your matra?"

'Dancer blinked back to awareness as a young woman sat down next to her in the tub.

"Pardon? My what?" The woman smiled and winked a blue eye. "Your matra. The girls want to know what your matra is." She pointed over to a group of giggling teens in the next tub over. 'Dancer sat up a little to see them better. "I was wondering what they were laughing about." The woman looked surprised. "You heard them?" 'Dancer snorted. "Of course, I'm relaxing, not deaf." The woman chuckled. "Of course. My name is Norou." 'Dancer shook the offered hand. "I take it you're not from around here?" If only you knew... 'Dancer managed to keep her face straight. "Nope, not from around here." Seeing that Norou was in a chatty mood 'Dancer steeled herself for the inevitable third degree that all travelers are subject to. She slouched back down in the water. "So what do you think of our small town? Where are you staying? Have you tried the seafood restaurant down the street? They serve the greatest carp soup. And their - " "Carp? Didja say carp?" 'Dancer sat up straight again. "Say, do you know anything about giant floating carp that try to eat people?" Norou gave her a long measured look. "Do I look like a fool?" She finally asked. 'Dancer felt her ears turning red. "No, I - , does that mean something to you?" Norou sat back and scrutinized her. "You mean, you don't know the legend of how this town was founded?" 'Dancer felt an explanation coming on. "No..."she said carefully.

"Good, I'll tell you all about it!"

'Dancer stood in front of her locker, quietly seething. I am never EVER going to talk to strangers in a bath house again. Norou, managing to speak up to 20 words a second, undid all the good of 'Dancer's soak in 43 seconds. 'Dancer banged her head against the lockers. I hate people, I hate people, I hate people. She chanted silently as she angrily wrenched open her locker. They're worst than a flock of hens and twice as nosy- "Oye! Who the Hel stole my things?!?!?"

Instead of her blouse and jeans, white robes and a red lilac greeted her. Incested at the thought of someone going through her stuff 'Dancer tossed the robes and flower aside.

Her personal effects were missing too.

"Oh, 'Dancer, did you receive the red lilac?" Norou asked wistfully. 'Dancer shot her an angry look, then did a double take. Every woman in the bath house must have been behind her, looking in the changing room. 'Dancer suddenly felt very unprotected in only a towel. "Yeah ... Do you know who stole my things?" Someone twittered. Norou sighed mightily. "Of course if you're not from here you wouldn't know..." 'Dancer took a stride forward. "Know what?! Is this some crazy sort of initiation rite somebody forgot to warn me about?!" She dared anyone to make eye contact with her. Norou politely stared beyond her as she answered, "No, it only means you've been picked by Lady Deidra as this season's model."

"Who?" 'Dancer's question brought shocked gasps from the assembled crowd. "You must really have come from a distant land if you don't know Lady Deidra, why, she's only the island's most famous designer." 'Dancer blinked, not entirely sure she heard right.

"This Deidra, is... a clothing designer?" She asked carefully. The crowd nodded it's collective head. "And just where might I find your Deidra?" A small girl slipped out of the crowd. "She lives in a big, big, big house in the center of town. It always smells nice and has lotsa sparklies in the garden." 'Dancer smiled at the little girl. "Thanks chiquita. " She said as she headed for the door. "You're not going out there like that!" Norou gasped. 'Dancer looked down at her towel clad body. "Why not? After all, she stole my clothes." She smiled maliciously.

"Oh, no you don't." Disagreed Norou. "Mandy, help me with the robes, the rest of you, don't let her leave!"

Zelgadis was waiting outside when a thin wail pierced the serenity of the evening.

"Get your thrice damned hands offa m- ZELGADIS, SOCORRO!!!" 'Dancer's head popped out briefly from the bath house before half a dozen hands hauled it back inside. Zelgadis was immidently on his feet and at the entrance. "Ah, 'Dancer?" He asked, tapping the doorsill. A string of muffled curses answered his query. Feeling a trifle foolish about charging into the ladies bath house he raised the curtain.

And was immidently struck by a rain of wooden buckets.

"Ahhh!" "Sex fiend!" "A peeping Tom!" "Pervert!" "Die you fiend!" "Arrgh!"

Stumbling backwards he was nearly knocked over when 'Dancer, now dressed in ridiculously long and billowing robes, was pushed out onto the street with him. 'Dancer sat up and hurled such profanities that Zelgadis stared at her. She looked at him.

"And just what are you looking at?" She demanded, standing. Zelgadis blinked.

"I never heard such creative cussing before." He said bluntly. 'Dancer drew an indignant breath when her sense of humor asserted itself. "Ay, I shouldn't yell at you," she said with a quirky smile, "I've got bigger fish to fry, which reminds me, did you know that those fish we met are suppose to be extinct in this region?" Zelgadis cocked an eyebrow, a trick 'Dancer never quite learned how to do. "They are now if they weren't already." He answered, slightly unnerved by her mood swing. 'Dancer shook her head. "Not the way I figure it." She looked around. "Which way is to the center of this Hel-spawn town?" Zelgadis pointed to his left. "Why are you wearing those robes?" He asked as she pulled up the hem and set off resolutely down the road. "Because, some sicko designer decides once every year to chose a new victim as her model for the season and she chooses that poor girl from the public bath house! And she steals that poor chica's clothing so they hafta come see her regardless of if they want the job or not!" Frowning thoughtfully she stopped. "But why the bath house?"

"Do you know anything about a Lady Deidra, Zel?" She asked starting off again. Zelgadis thought for a moment.

"Only that she's a famous designer. So she took your things?" 'Dancer made face. " No I run around in volumnous white robes threatening famous designers for my health." She gave him a lop-sided grin to take the sting out of her words. "That must be it." She pointed to a large mason. The garden around it was full of professionally carved statues and the heavy scent of lilacs filled the air. 'Dancer felt uneasy walking up to the entrance, glancing over her shoulder time to time at the statues. "Zel," she asked as they climbed the front steps,"can you sense magic?" Her voice was hushed, as she watched the garden out of the corner of her eyes.

"Not without a spell."

"Nevermind then." 'Dancer faced the massive front doors, her anger tinged with a little fear. "I hate thieves" she grumbled, hiking up her robes, and revealing well muscled legs.


Her kick pushed open the doors with such force that they bounced against the inside walls. Noting the absence of light within she glanced at Zelgadis for reassurance before she entered.

"Lady Deidra, get your artsy-fartsy, liposuctioned, too rich to be legal butt down here before I show you WHY people added the word Storm to my name!!!"

At the top of the grand stair case, barely visible in the dark, a pale figure moved towards them.

"Oh, at last you've come!"

"And what made you think I wouldn't come?" 'Dancer asked exasperatedly.

"You're not from here an-"

"Forget it." 'Dancer interrupted, moving towards the stairs. "Just give me back my stuff."

"But don't want to hear my offer?" Deidra looked stunned.

"No," 'Dancer crossed her arms, "I want my things back so I can leave this crazy town." Then in an aside to Zelgadis, "I'm begining to understand your point of view. The open road isn't half this nasty."

"But surely you need supplies for traveling." Deidra pointed out with the wave of one elegant hand. 'Dancer bristled visibly.

"JUST GIVE ME BACK MY FRIGGEN' STUFF!!!" 'Dancer climbed the massive stairwell, intent on doing the designer bodily harm. With the flick of her wrist Deidra summoned a silver platter hold 'Dancer's belongings and directed it to her. "Thank you" 'Dancer growled curtly, reclaiming her things.

"Do you still plan to leave, even if I offer to pay you 100 gold pieces?" Deidra asked with a strange glint in her eyes. 'Dancer rubbed the base of her neck where she could feel a headache starting. "Is 100 gold a lot of money?" She asked Zelgadis. Zelgadis crossed his arms and looked intently at Deidra. "It's a considerable sum." The designer matched his look with one of her own. "But for what?"

"To model my outfits for one day." Zelgadis arched an eyebrow. "That's top marks." He answered 'Dancer's earlier question as she descended.

"Where are you going?!?!?" Deidra asked as 'Dancer headed for the door.

"You are absolutely nuts if you think I'm going to negotiate in these ridiculous robes." Deidra looked frantic. "But you are going to model for me, right?" 'Dancer glanced coldly over her shoulder at the pale woman. Hell, if it worked for AT&T... "Put it in writing" she snapped.

The worried expression evaporated from the designer's face. "Of course, the contract. How silly of me." Once again the silver platter appeared in front of 'Dancer, this time carrying a piece of parchment and a silver bell.

"You are welcome, of course, to use the room to your left to change in." She smiled graciously at them. "When you've made your decision, just ring the bell."

And she was gone.

"I do not trust that woman." Grumbled 'Dancer, walking towards the indicated room. Zelgadis nodded in agreement. "Would you read this to me?" She asked, handing him the contract.


'Dancer paused as she entered the room. "I can't make heads nor tails of the characters. And I'm fluent in 4 different languages." She grimaced apologetically, leaving the door cracked so she could hear him.

"You actually want to do this? " He asked, unconvinced. "No," 'Dancer's muffled voice barely reached him "but I noticed that you don't have any money neither. Would 50 gold pieces be a high enough price to tempt you to teach me some magic?" The offensive robes were suddenly chucked out the door. "It's top marks." She said sweetly, mimicking his earlier comment. Zelgadis rolled his eyes.

"Oye, are you gonna read the contract or no?" Zelgadis got comfortable and read aloud. "I, [insert your name here], agree to the following conditions while in the service of Lady Deidra, designer. I will wear and model the outfits by Lady Deidra on the 10th day of the 7th month of the year of my employment." Zelgadis paused. "That's tomorrow." "Hmm, she cutting it fine then." 'Dancer mused. "Please continue."

"I will not leave the boundaries of the town during this time. I will model the outfits in front of an audience. I will not vandalize or damage any of the clothing and afterwards I may keep any of the outfits and my fee of 100 gold pieces. A fine of 10 gold pieces may be deducted for each breech of contract and as many times as nessicary. All restrictions are null and void when the last outfit has been displayed." Zelgadis stopped as 'Dancer walked out. "Is that all?" She asked carrying a lump of cloth. Zelgadis nodded then tapped the bundle.

"What's this?"

"A cloak. Deidra musta added it, since someone fried my coat." She glared pointedly at him. Zelgadis adopted an air of unconcern. Cold hearted, goat headed, lawn ornament, you could at least apologize. She thought sourly.

"So are you going to do it?" 'Dancer shrugged. "Maybe. But first there's something I want to know." She walked over to the tray and rang the bell.

"Well?" Deidra appeared at the top of the stairs before the first peal of the bell ended.

"Why me?" Deidra blinked. "Pardon?" "Why did you choose me? I noticed a number of better built women in the bath house."

"Undoubtedly." Deidra answered dryly. " A number of those women are professional models. Unlike my contemporaries, I have no interest in designing cloths for buxom blond bimbos with tiny waists, and no muscles to speak of. Most women are not petite, bean pole skinny with breasts the size of watermelons. And in order to cater to the slighted majority, I need a taller, better muscled, plump and flatter chested model." Deidra made a dismissive gesture with her hand. "I don't need those breasts for brains vixens, I, need, you."

'Dancer stared at her incredulously for a second, then shook herself all over, like a cat. "Are you okay?" Zelgadis asked.

"Yeah, I-, normally I think I'd have just been insulted, but, Diosa, she's good." 'Dancer scratched the back of her head, collecting her thoughts. "I guess... I'm just surprised to find my opinion echoed by someone in the fashion industry." 'Dancer shivered suddenly as a cold draft swept through the still open doors. Deidra noticed.

"Why don't you wear that cloak?" 'Dancer fingered the rich green fabric. "It wasn't mine, I...wasn't certain..." She shrugged helplessly, at a loss for words. Deidra smiled generously. "It's yours, no charge. I've plenty more so you're welcome to it." With thinly disguised relief 'Dancer pulled it over her shoulders.

"I've...decided to do it." Deidra clapped her hands together with a small squeal of delight. "Wonderful! If you'll just sign the contract..." A feather pen and inkpot suddenly appeared on the platter. "Dancer picked up the pen, then hesitated. "I'm not going to be modeling any underware, am I?" Zelgadis made a rude noise and 'Dancer conquered her urge to hurl the pen at him. Next time we spar, Zelgadis, you're going down. She tought as Deidra let out a bell like laugh. "Good heavens, no, child. I won't model lingerie, and I don't expect you to do so either." 'Dancer nodded, signing. The paper glowed dimmly then vanished, along with the platter, inkwell, pen and bell.

"Thank you...Stormdancer Saisan. Your companion and you will find lodging waiting for you at the Happy Hippocampus, along with your fee. Be sure to be here early tomorrow." As before she disappeared, and 'Dancer, who was experiencing some light headedness, was only too happy to be out of the strange dark manor and creepy garden.

"Why," 'Dancer asked as she and Zelgadis walked down the dark streets to the Inn,"do I feel like I just made a bargain with the devil?"

Zelgadis answered her only as a wiseman could.

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