

navy = flashback

Zelgadis Greywares stood staring blankly at the edge of a nearby lake, he didn't get it. "This cant be it..." he turned at the sound of an exasperated sigh.

"Zel for the umpteenth time this is the place!" Lina yelled as she pointed to the x on the map. Walking closer to the edge of the large lake she peered in. "What's so magical about this area? I don't see anything..."

"Damn Xellos gave us another worthless..." he was cut off however by the rippling in the water in front of Lina. "Lina get back!" his shout of warning wasn't necessary, as the sorceress had already backed up a safe distance. They both had expected some kind of large monster, anything except what they saw. Zel stared as the form of a man slowly rose from the water, only coming up to his waist.

The man in question yawned and threw up his slightly muscled arms. Slicking the wet hair from his head he peered at his new visitors. He was tired dammit and these humans every so millennia came to bug him for some wish or other...Well dammit he wanted sleep! Frowning he turned his gaze on them ready to tell them a thing or two, only to see the loveliest creature he had ever set his eyes on.

Zelgadis frowned as he noticed the looks the man was throwing at Lina...well look anyway since he was simply staring. The man in question kinda reminded him of Gourry, the long blue hair matched, and so did the blue eye's only this man went around shirtless obviously and his face was a little narrower. He stared at the man suspiciously "Do you know of any magic users in the area?"

The man turned from his gazing to stare in irritation at the chimera "yes..."

Lina meanwhile was getting pretty annoyed...sure for the first 5 minutes it was flattering but when someone stared at you for a whole 15 minutes it got quite old! Glaring Lina threw back her hand "FIREBALL!" she watched in satisfaction as the ball of fire flew towards the smiling man.

Zel facefaulted as he rubbed his eyes, "Lina please tell me that was just a trick of the light!"

Lina walked to the edge of the large lake her eyes skimming the surface, she hadn't missed it either when the man had dived underwater to avoid her attack there had been a large fish fin. "I definitely saw it Zel, but I thought that mermaids were extinct?"

"Yes they were supposed to be destroyed when..."

"Zel!" Lina shrieked as she felt something tug on her ankle.

Zel looked on at the familiar scene as the water rippled where Lina went under. Maybe that merman is related to Noonza...chuckling lightly to himself he walked towards the edge of the lake. Thrusting his hands to his sides he brought them in front of himself in two quick movements "RAY WING" thrusting his bubble forward he hovered silently over the now parting water as he lowered himself in. Sighing he had to smile as the accident with Noonza ...laughing softly to himself he searched the bottom of the ocean floor. But whatever he was expecting to see it wasn't the merman with his tail wrapped around Lina...and his lips on hers! Zelgadis growled as he noticed her limp for...that...that bastard would pay! Pressing forward at a quick speed he noticed the merman's smug look as he merely let her go to float as he swam away quickly. Catching Lina in his bubble he contemplated going after the man but he had to make sure Lina was ok.

Later that day found Lina and Zelgadis in an INN room; Zelgadis was currently waiting for Lina to awaken. She had been out for about an hour and it looked as if she wasn't waking up for a long while. As he was about to get up Lina sat upright in bed, her mouth moved opened and closed for a few moments. Walking back over to the bed quickly he sat down in his chair, leaning close he gave her a look of concern. "Lina are you ok?"

Lina was fuming that stupid fish boy had put her under some kind of paralyzation spell! That...that low down slimy "FISH FOR BRAINS!" she finished out loud. Blinking she realized that her vocal chords must be working again. "Zel that...that" she couldn't finish her sentence lest she hurt someone bodily.

Zel blushed not only at the explosive curses but also at the knowledge that she was ticked about the whole kiss thing. If he hadn't have noticed that she was unconscious then he might have been pretty embarrassed...but right now he was mad how dare that thing take advantage...

"Zel and don't think you can get away with anything! I heard you talking and laughing about that Noonza incident!" Lina huffed out not really mad.

Zel blushed slightly but grinned anyway, that Noonza incident was the beginning of he and Lina's friendship. "Sorry Lina but you have to admit the whole scene is familiar hahaha that day was the first day I had laughed in a long long time" Zel answered honestly as he draped his beige colored cape on the back of his chair.

Lina smiled as she thought back to that day so many years ago. "I remember when we were confronted by those trolls and I had to leave all those lovely said that it wouldn't hurt for me to miss a meal!" Lina smirked good-naturedly.

Grinning she gave him the victory sign, it wasn't too often that Zel opened up and she was enjoying every moment. Suddenly starting as a tingling sensation Lina could feel some kind of magic working on her body. "What the ...argh! Zel!" the tingling was turning into pain as it enveloped her body.

Zelgadis jumped up as he grabbed Lina's arms to keep her from hurting herself. "Lina what's wrong!" her body was thrashing erratically under the blanket. Almost as soon as her thrashing and screaming had started it was over and Lina was lying still beneath the blankets. "Lina..." he called her name hesitantly as her eyes fluttered open, the look of pain still crossed her features. Looking down he noticed something odd underneath the blankets, carefully lifting the corner he peered underneath.

Lina noticed Zel peeking under her blanket "HENTAI!" lashing out she aimed a kick at his head...on she never landed a kick...

"Lina..." Zel was in shock to say the least. Where there were supposed to be legs there was only a long black fish tail, that was covered in ebony black scales that started low on her hips and followed the rest of the way down to her fin.

Lina stared at the remains of her ripped outfit; the only thing that seemingly stayed on was the yellow cloth part that went over her red top. Glaring she stared at her flopping tail, "THAT FISH MAN IS GOING TO PAY!" Lina was so angry she didn't even notice the damage she was causing with her flopping tail, unfortunately Zelgadis was knocked to the floor unconscious. "Ehhehe sorry Zel I seemed to have gotten carried away!"

Zelgadis groggily pulled himself up from his position on the floor, what and the heck hit him. Sitting up quickly his eyes scanned the room, Lina, Where was Lina! Letting out the breath he had been holding he stood and walked over to the inert form on the bed that was snoring lightly. "Lina...I swear I'll get that merman for doing this to you!" he looked at her still sleeping form. She was truly beautiful like a beautiful mythic creature from one of his many storybooks from when he was young. The light that streamed through the window caught on the many dark scales. He wondered if the texture was as smooth as it looked...stretching his fingertips down he gently touched some of the smooth scales that started from her hip. He was astonished to note that when he touched them they gleamed purple.

"Ahem!" Lina cleared her throat loudly as her face turned a very bright shade of red. What was Zelgadis thinking! It did feel kinda What! Nani?! Zel is just a friend and nothing more!

Zel looked up in embarrassment, but he quickly replaced that with a look of indifference only to have a blush stain his cheeks. "Gomen Lina I was only curious...Lina what's wrong?!" he lifted her upper body from the bed as he wrapped her in his arms "Lina what's wrong!" she was currently gagging as if she couldn't catch her breath.

"Zel ...need...water...cant breath!" Lina was fine one minute the next she couldn't breath! What the heck was happening to her!

"Lina can you hold on! Ray Wing!" Zel didn't bother to explain what he was doing; he didn't have the time if he wanted to help Lina.

Lina watched Zel leave the room, as the darkness overcame her she leet out as a small moan hoping that he would come back soon.

Zel zipped back into the room he hadn't been gone for more than 5 minutes he only hoped he wasn't too late. Setting down his prize he carefully lifted Lina's unconscious for and slid her into his makeshift bubble that was filled with water. (Remember the bubble he trapped Noonza in ;p) Zel only hoped it worked for now...he watched for a few moments as her body just floated her hair winding this way and that. "C'mon Lina you have to be ok..." he placed his hands against the bubble surprised to see her own hand pressed against the bubble. He quickly looked up and stared into her wide ruby-eyed gaze "Lina your ok!"

Lina groggily looked out of the oversized fish bowl that Zel had made for her. Why and the heck couldn't she breath air! It was coming like second nature for her to breathe water...WATER! Wait what was that weird feeling...carefully touching the underside of her jaw. What was that uneven ridge feeling...This was too weird maybe Zelgadis would know what was going on...what was he doing now and why did he look so upset...Placing her hand against the bubble she placed her hand over his own. She blinked...was he upset because of her...did he care about her that much? She smiled as he stated the obvious, she opened her mouth to tell him just that but her voice didn't seem to wanna agree with her. Blinking she tried again but nothing came out, now she was getting angry.

Zel watched as her lips moved opened and closed nothing coming out but small bubbles. "Lina is your voice gone?" at her nod of confirmation he frowned. "We're gonna have to go back to that lake you know and try to reverse all this" he grinned as Lina made stabbing motions with her hands "Haha yeah Lina when we get there I'll let you pound him some but only after I'm done with him." He laughed as Lina smacked a fist in the palm of her hand, and pointed to herself. "No Lina I get first dibs, here's a proposition if you tell me to let you have first dibs then you can" he watched in amusement as Lina banged against the side of the bubble. "I'm just kidding Lina!" holding his arms up on a surrendering gesture he smirked. "Shall we be off?" he was already levitating several feet from the floor as he placed his hands on either side of the bubble. Carefully holding it he flew through the window setting a path for the forest.

"No Lina it's way too dangerous!" Zel was starting to get mad couldn't Lina see he was doing this for her own safety...that and to make him fee a whole lot better. Lina wanted to go into the water to look for the merman but without any magic Lina could be in danger. Shaking his head he stared coldly at Lina, she was trying a different technique now. She was currently smiling cutely at him and winking while blowing kisses. Zel was glad he had his hood up along with his half mask that he used to cover his face. The blush working it's way up his cheeks would have alerted Lina on how much her antics were bothering him.

Lina was getting very annoyed Zelgadis was going to try and go without her! Humph well that's what he thinks...Suddenly she saw the small ripples in the water. Zel! Splashing around in the bubble she captured his attention. Pointing she directed his attention to the now surfacing form of the merman.

Zel glared coldly at the merman who only flicked his tail idly back and forth. "What did you do to Lina!" Zel demanded angrily trying hard to keep his fingers from his sword.

The merman simply smiled lazily as he splashed the chimera with water. Grinning he cocked his head to the side, a pointed ear sticking out slightly from his long blond hair. "I think it's perfectly obvious what I did, don't you think?" he grinned some more "Beautiful ne?" propping his chin in his hand he stared a Lina who was currently giving him the finger.

Zel fumed inwardly, but he knew he had to keep a cool head if he wanted to help save Lina. "Turn Lina back or else..."

The merman blinked as if that were the craziest question in the world, "And why pray tell would I wish to do that? Your little Lina-chan is to become my bride" he smiled at the look of shock coming across the chimera's face. "My mother deems it time that I find a suitable mate, and I've chosen your lovely lady friend"

This time Zelgadis couldn't stop himself as he pulled out his sword. "She is not going anywhere with you!" he glanced out of the corner of his eye to noted that Lina was enthusiastically cheering him on from in her bubble.

The merman merely yawned as he looked over at the commotion, "enough of these games I need to go home now...but I am not leaving without my bride!" the first emotion that Zel had seen on the merman's face was undeniably one of annoyance. Waving his hand a gust of wind smacked into Lina's bubble causing it to pop, with another movement of his hand a small ball of light smacked Lina in the chest then disappeared.

"Why you fish for brains why did you do that..." Lina was in shock that she could speak again but that didn't last long as she began to choke. Oh boy why me...

Zel ran over to Lina's side, damn that fish man he knew that the only body of water around for miles was this lake. Well if he thought that he was gonna just toss Lina in there to him he was mistaken. Picking up Lina he ran towards the lakes sure and with a flying leap jumped over the surprised merman's head.


Zel could feel his stone body weighing him down fast, he watched as Lina gulped in a long breath and smiled. Then a look of comprehension donned onto her features. She cares about me...he could see it in her eyes...he couldn't hold his breath any longer as he felt the breath leave his mouth in a swoosh o air.

Lina placed her hands under his arms and swam, as fast her tail would take her to the surface. It only took about a minute but with Zel choking it seemed like forever. Carefully placing Zel on the shore she realized she wasn't choking anymore...weird...not weird that fish stick probably did that...she remembered back to when he waved his hand...that light! This is his doing; she could sense him somewhere behind her.

Gaia swam up behind the beautiful girl that was soon to be his wife, smiling he came up to his chest in the water. Instead of fawning all over him like the rest of the girls this one did something quite different. He never saw the fist coming as it smashed with deadly accuracy into his face.

Lina gave a yell of triumph as the merman fell down and underneath the water. If he thought that was all he had coming he was dead wrong. She looked over at Zel a little worriedly but then noticed his eyes fluttering open. Good he was ok which meant, cracking her knuckles loudly she did a backward flip and dove under the water. "Hey where are you Fish stick I still got more where that came from!" Lina wished she could use a fireball down here but that wouldn't work. Shrugging she swam down deeper searching for the elusive fish man, she would just have to dragon slave him...bwa hahahaha! Lina gleefully looked around for him...that must be him! Lina noted inwardly as she saw a tale disappear beyond a large boulder. "Hey get back here you!" Lina swam around the boulder only to screech to a halt sweatdrop slowly dropping from the back of her head.

"Ahhh my poor wittle Gaia-chan hurt himself?"

Lina watched on in confusion as middle aged mermaid pinched the cheeks of the merman Gaia.

"Ah mom stop I told you I was out looking for a bride!" Gaia pulled away from his mother scowling deeply.

"But son, haven't you learned yet your transform spell never works everytime you try those poor girls end up as slugs and such things" Gaia's mom pushed her thick long blond plait over her shoulder.

"Now that's where you're wrong mom, it worked Look!" Gaia pointed triumphantly to a spying Lina.

Amethia turned around at her sons words and sure enough another mermaid much younger then herself sat gaping. Her large red eyes were a perfect combination to her long ebony tail and fin, her long red hair floated about her like a halo. "Ohhh! A daughter in-law finaly I thought this day would never come!" Amethia clutched her hands in front of herself happily picturing her grandchildren running about.

Lina snapped out of her stunned phase real quick as she looked in anger at Gaia. "So Gaia is your matter your toast!" Lina held her hands to her side ready to let loose a Mega Brando. Until of course the sweet little lady swam over to her exclaiming about party favors and this and that. "What are you talking about I am not marrying anyone especially your son!" this time Lina would not let any interruptions stop her from toasting that arrogant fish for brains!

"Tsk Tsk absolutely no manners matter this can be easily fixed. Quickly before the red headed mermaid could say a thing, she tapped her on the side of the neck "Stun!" She smiled in satisfaction as the girl slumped into the arms of her son. "Let us be off Gaia we have much to prepare for!" swimming she led the way to their secret underground city.

Zel opened his eyes and noticed that the sun had gone down...wait it was way too quiet where was Lina and why wasn't she here yelling at him to get up. Sitting up straight he began to remember the days events "Lina! Lina where are you!" he jumped up and looked around. Nothing...there wasn't a trace of the little sorceress anywhere. Things were quickly becoming out of control; he would have to go underwater. But his protective bubble wouldn't be enough, that merman had hinted at some magic and he could easily pop his protective bubble. No he needed something else...

"Ne Zel-kun where's Lina-chan!" Xellos peered around waiting for the spunky sorceress to berate him for sending them on a fool's quest. He was surprised however when Zelgadis grabbed him in a chokehold. He could barely make out what he was ranting on about.

"Xellos! It's all your fault that Lina is gone!" he began to beat the trickster priest in the head repeatedly. However he was soon beating at nothing, he blinked as he peered around for the Mazakou.

Xellos appeared behind Zelgadis his face was set in a frown, which was unnatural... "Start from the beginning Zel-kun where is Lina?"

Zelgadis whipped his body around and stared at the priest in confusion...didn't he plan all this. With suspicion lacing his every word he explained what happened to Lina all the way up to the part where he was unconscious.

"I had no idea that this..." his face turned serious "this is not good Zel-kun you have to get Lina before tomorrow's sunset!"

Zel detected the note of urgency in the Mazakou's voice... "I can't go down there using my bubble because the merman would..."

"I believe I can fix that..." Xellos smirked as he grabbed the stunned chimera and pressed his lips over Zelgadis's harder lips.

Zelgadis was stunned at first...then angry... "FireBALL!" Zel grinned in satisfaction as the trickster slammed backwards into the ground. "You filthy ...what did you do that for!"

"Ne Zel-kun calm down! I had to do that to transfer the spell...ok well maybe not" Xellos snickered as he watched Zelgadis's face turn an enraged red.

Zelgadis stepped forward ready to deliver a Ra Tilt when he felt a tingly feeling in his legs...then it began to spread throughout his body...oh no he didn't! "Xeloss...Argh!' He fell to his knees in pain, doubling over he could feel the sensation of bones grinding and legs melding together. But as quick as it had started it had stopped, shakily he pressed his fingers to his forehead. Wait ...his fingers it couldn't be could it...he pulled his body across the earth and peered at his reflection in the water. "I'm human..."

"Don't get too excited, your human form will only stay as long as you're in this form. But when the spell is taken away you will revert back to your chimera form." Xeloss grinned widely as he made a shooing motion with his hands.

Zelgadis glared angrily but he was too happy with the results

Zelgadis dove deep into the lake looking for any kind of sign of Lina. By now he had searched the whole lake and there was still no sign of them...but where could they be he had checked everywhere...or had he! Zelgadis remembered seeing a large boulder, just sitting in the middle of the lake and now that he thought about it, it was very strange. Swimming quickly he arrived at the large boulder, this wont take long he summarized as he held his arms before him uttering some words under his breath he let loose a large blast of energy...only nothing happened. "What the...Rei Wing...nothing..." and then it hit him he had gained most if not all his powers from Rezo turning him into a chimera! Damn that Xellos he knew it all how was he supposed to rescue Lina. Growling in frustration he swam around the boulder a couple of times trying to find something unusual about it. "Hmmm this part looks to be smooth..." running his hand over the smooth gray area he felt it move inward. "A button!" before he could get out anything else the boulder moved to the side with a grinding noise. "So this is where they...Kuso!" Zelgadis saw the large funnel of water coming and could do nothing to avoid it as it sucked him down.

Gaia rubbed his sore jaw with a gentle touch, it hurt like hell. How could that little sorceress resist him he was the most beautiful of his clan, the women of his clan would die to get a chance with him. No the one he had chosen as his mate liked to punch him and call him names like Kawiikune, fish for brains, fish sticks, and some other things that were not fit to come out of such a luscious mouth.

Gaia swam into his beloved's room and quietly shut the door behind himself. Swimming along silently he watched as she slept peacefully in his large shell bed. He settled himself lightly down next to her and enfolded her into his arms. "So beautiful..." he let his hands trail down her long fish tail. Looking up he noted that her red eyes were open and the left seemed to have developed a spasmodic twitch.

"No...DON'T!" Gaia tried to yell for her to stop but it was too late.

"Burst Rondo!"

"Dare Brando!"

"Mega Brando!"

Gaia felt like a large palace had just fallen on him as he burst through wall after wall.

Hmmm maybe she was just shy! Smacking his fist into the palm of his hand he quickly swam to his mother's room to discuss the certain affects of a spell he wanted to cast.

Lina sat alone in the palace bedroom, it was very nice except for the large patched up hole in the wall. There was now tons of guards lined up not only inside but also outside the bedroom now. Lina rolled her eyes in exasperation as she sat in the middle of the bed swatting away annoying seahorses. "Hey you guppy!" Lina yelled to the nearest guard. Lina watched in amusement as he scowled and tried to act like what she said hadn't bothered him. "Hey fishstick! Did I hurt that baka Gaia too much!" she chuckled in amusement as the merman took the bait.

"First of all my name is not fishstick, or guppy! And second of all you are never to speak ill of prince Gaia!" the guards features were covered in an angry flush.

"Who cares...wait did you just say...PRINCE!" Lina felt hearts form in her eyes as she thought about all the wealth he must have. Ohhhh and the dining hall must be large!

The guard sniffed indignantly as he stood tall "Yes Prince! As to why he would choose someone as loud and obnoxious as you is beyond me!"

"Prince or no prince there is only so much I can you know what..."


Gaia sat in his mother's chambers when he heard the massive explosion. "What in the it couldn't be..."

"Your highness the prisoner...I mean your bride has escaped!" a guard hastily ran back into the hall to see what he could help with.

"See mother, so that's why I need to have permission to use the spell!" Gaia cast one final pleading look at his mother.

"Fine son only because this girl has power and our grandchildren will be strong...go you have my blessing!" Amethia said smiling as she went to prepare the bridal chamber, which was thankfully on the undamaged side of the palace.

Lina was making a big mistake...only in her eyes it was a great plan. She had been swimming quickly though the palace walls trying to find her way out when she had noticed a room off to the side. Peering into the room she saw something that she thought she would never see in her whole lifetime. Gasping she took in the scenery, treasure practically heaped to the ceiling the light reflecting off of the gold and jewels. Lina wiped a small tear from her eye as she swam into the room closing the door behind her. Once the door was closed a manic gleam came to her eyes as she pounced on the nearest treasure which happened to be to ebony armbands with red dragons engraved. "Ohhh this is so one will mind if I just try them on!" with that thought in her mind she snapped them into place. Turning around she swam to a nearby shield, which she used as a mirror. Turning this way and that she determined that the arm bands looked great on her, there were even tiny rubies used as the dragons scales.

"Oh nice, nice you just walked into my trap!" an amused voice stated.

Lina whipped around and unknowingly knocked Gaia to the floor. Peering down she grinned evilly... "What's that fish stick you want some more?" she moved her arms ready to toss out a fireball. "Fireball!"

Smiling smugly Gaia watched as she attempted to cast a fireball spell. "That wont work those arm bands work like the temporary disabling spell I put on you earlier...except the spell on those arm bands do so much more..."

Lina stared at the merman in dawning realization, he couldn't could he...even she couldn't cast deactivating spells that well and here this...oversized Guppy could. "Hmph we'll see about that! Flare Arrow!" nothing not even a flicker of a flame.

"Yep now you're totally harmless and now you have no choice but to stay with me. Specially now that you can't turn back to a human" Laughing he didn't notice the deadly gleam coming into Lina's eyes.

"What did you just say..." grabbing him she held him in a headlock threatening to beat his face in.

"That's right never going to be human again. Now you have no choice but to stay with me!" Gaia said triumphantly. Now this beautiful creature would be his and his alone. "Your mine now!" Gaia stated his voice losing its alluring value, it was now cold and hard. He quickly jerked himself from Lina's grasp, now all we have to do is consummate our marriage.

"I don't think so! If you don't get away from her right now...I'll kill you" a voice soft yet strong voice demanded.

Gaia turned and stared, "who the hell are you!" he looked the new comer over he had never seen this particular merman around before...but he looked familiar. Soft violet hair moved gently with the flow of the current, his long tail and fin were a deep blue. Which in itself was strange he had never seen such a color on one of his people. The merman's tail when moved a certain way tinted a slight green color...all in he was much looking then himself! No way ...this upstart is not as beautiful as I!

"My none of your concern...your true concern should be if you wish to die today?" the stranger yet again spoke in a calm tone, laced with an underlying sense of violence.

Lina stared in confusion at the new arrival with a prickling of awareness she knew this person she just couldn't seem to remember where from. Looking up she noted that he had stopped staring at Gaia and was now looking at her and that's when she knew. As she stared into those gray-blue eyes...she knew... "Zelgadis...Zel is that you!" Lina didn't wait for an answer as she launched herself into his arms in excitement. "Zel you found a cure!"

Zelgadis blushed as Lina crushed him in a hug...not like he was complaining. He didn't think she really cared about him finding a cure, looking down he noticed she was staring up at him with a happy smile. Could it be that she has feelings for me...his arms still wrapped around her he looked into her eyes searching for the answers he sought.

Lina knew that if she was going to win Zel over then she would have to be honest with herself. Grinning she opened her mouth letting the words roll out in a rush...well they would have rolled out in a rush irritated voice interrupted.

"Hey you cant just ignore me!" he was silenced however by a fireball.

"Lina grinned amused as Zelgadis fireballed the annoying fish without bothering to look up. "Lina I...I...I think that I am in love with you..." Zel could feel his face turn crimson as he stared into those beautiful ruby eyes.

"I think I love you to Zel" she smiled nervously as she looked into his eyes. Leaning up slightly she placed a soft kiss onto his lips.

o.o;; Zel's wide-eyed look was priceless as just sat there letting the currents drift him about.

Lina pulled away and laughed at Zel's floating form "C'mon Zel let leave this place!" swimming over and grabbing his arm she led him out the door.

Thirty minutes later

Lina stopped as Zelgadis started to pull himself up onto the shore... "Zel..."

Zelgadis turned around in worry as he noted the little squeak in Lina's voice. "What's the matter Lina?"

"I cant Zel during all the...erm excitement I forgot all about these arm bands! With them on I can do any magic and I can't turn back!" Lina much to her dismay felt hot tears roll down her cheeks.

Zel gaped in horror...swimming back over to her he enveloped her back into his arms. "Don't worry Lina we'll get Xellos to turn you back...he's the one that turned me into a merman. Shhh don't cry..." gently laying his cheek against her hair he rubbed her back with gentle strokes. He absently noticed that her hair was very soft to the touch.

Lina sniffed absently "You think so..."

"Of course...he should be around here somewhere...XELOSS!" Zel waited impatiently for five minutes before he yelled the Mazakou's name again.

"Ne Zel-chan must you yell so much" Xelloss sat grinning on the shore. "Ready to come back?"

"Yes but there's a problem..." hastily explaining things he asked another question "Can you do something for Lina?"

Xelloss digested the news silently and thought about it...then he grinned. "Sore wa himitsu desu!"

Zelgadis jumped at the grinning Mazakou's throat ready to strangle him only he disappeared leaving Zel to land on his face.

"Ne Zel cant you take a joke? I can help cure you, but I wont be able to cure Lina-chan all the way..."

Lina gasped "What do you mean not all the way?!"

"Meaning that all I can do for you is cast another spell over the one already on those armbands. You'll be human...but whenever splashed with water you turn into a mermaid again. But look at the brightside when ever you change all you have to do is get lover boy here to kiss you and Walla back to normal although it wont change you back if your still in the water!" Grinning the mazakou calmly floated over the water and tapped a finger to Lina's armband. "Ciao!"

Zel watched in anger as the Mazakou disappeared "Damn that Xelloss he didn't tell me how to cure myself!" growling under his breath he sat half in and half out of the water on the shore. "Hn! Lina...ano what are you doing!" he held his breath as Lina kissed him for the second time that day. Then he felt started as a tingle then worked it way up to a minor stinging pain. "Opening his eyes he peered wearily at his legs...yep he was back to normal. He felt depression settle deeply over his heart as he noticed his blue skin and rock skin. Turning his head he cocked his head to the side as he noticed Lina laughing silently. "Whats so funny?"

Lina chuckled as she got a good look then turned her face up to meet his gaze. "Is it kinda chilly to you Zel?" she watched as he looked at her blankly for a few seconds before realization sunk in. He quickly scrambled up and threw his cloak around his waist. The tossed her his cream colored shirt. Lina pulled the shirt on over her head, still grinning over the look of chargin in his eyes.

Zel opened his mouth to say something when he saw a familiar...well a crispy familiar face pop up out of the water. "Lina watch out!" his warning came too late however when a golden ball of light flew into lina.

"There you're free! No more turning into a mermaid for you! Geesh you are more trouble then what your worth!" with that Gaia dived back under the waves swearing to himself he would never come to the surface again.

"BWA HAHAHAA never gonna be a fish again!" Lina laughed gleefully until a cup of water was thrown onto her head. She felt the change almost immediately, "Nani?!"

Xelloss grinned as he shrugged his shoulders, "Now, now Lina-chan!" Xelloss found himself imbedded into the ground by a very large tail. Lina beat into him with her fin making sure to slap him extra hard so that there were Scale imprints.

Zel stood to the side he was content to just watch the mass confusion. After Lina was done then he would get Xelloss to take back his spell. Then he and Lina could start travelling again this time as more then friends...
