Part 2

Zel had turned out to be sort of ok. It wasn't until near the mall's closing time, when an exhaused Sylphiel and Amelia finally found their bench, that Zel and Lina realized how long they had been talking. And over just one book! Anyway, they agreed to meet at the mall every weekend to discuss more topics. Behind Zel's cold front, he was actually pretty insightful, Lina had to admit. And he said he'd put up with her, for the sake of something to the same effect. She had given him a look.

Which brought her to the mall now, again sitting at a table in the restaurant area, finishing off what was left of her delux order.

"So he's going to meet you soon?" Amelia asked, again across from Lina.

"Mm-hm." Lina slurped her soda.


"I know, I know, Sylphiel." Lina put down her cup.

"Is he going to come here, to this table, or are you meeting him somewhere else?"

"Somewhere... I don't know, Amelia. What's with all the questions?"

", just wondering."

"Yes," Sylphiel started, "Lina-san, if you're not meeting him quite so soon, maybe we could shop a little first?"

"Sure, why not."

"Unless we can all stay together, when he meets you. He could join us in our group shopping trip." Amelia questioned hopefully.

"Naw." Lina ate the last of her fries. "We're just going to find a spot to talk. I didin't really want to shop anyway."

"Lina-san, you never want to shop." Lina ignored Amelia.

"Of course she does, Amelia-san. Just not quite so often or enthusiastically."

"Alright, enough talking about me like I'm not here. Let's start walking around."

"What's this?"

"Lina-san! Don't tell me you've never heard of plushies?!"

"Of course I know what plushies are, Amelia!"

Many passing shoppers stared at the red-head standing by one of the little, portable, shop carts. She stepped closer to her friends and continued in a quieter tone.

"But I mean, what makes these plushies so special from those?" Lina picked up one of the plushies on display and pointed at the toy store they had just passed.

"Lina-san, these are custom-made plushies!" Amelia hugged one in delight. Lina started fiddling with the pigtails on the plushie she held. It was pretty cute. Very unique and meticulously hand-made looking. Very different from the plushies big toy factories spewed out everyday.

"Where's Sylphiel?"

"She's on the other side of the cart." Amelia searched for more plushies to add to her armful.


"Oh.... - huh? You startled me, Lina-san."

"You're not looking for...?"

"Actually..." Sylphiel blushed.

Lina giggled a little.

"Well, I'll go ask the cashier for you."

"No, wait. Lina-san. You don't have to..."

Lina walked up to the cart's cashier.

"Hey, do you have a boy plushie with blue eyes and long, blond hair?"

"Maybe." The cashier started looking through his folder of cataloged plushies. "I mostly base plushies off of the people I see walking around the mall a lot, but we can make a specific type, if you like?"

Lina smiled. "Well..." She pulled over Sylphiel by the arm. "She would like you to make a plushie that looks like a certain boy she knows, but still hasn't gotten around," Lina glared at Sylphiel as she blushed and stared at the floor, "to talking to yet."

"Well," the cashier sweatdropped, "do you have a picture of this boy?"

"H-h-hey...! Lina-san!" Sylphiel rather impishly tried to reach for her photo wallet back.

"Here." Lina handed the man Sylphiel's thick photo wallet, opened to a specific page. "Make a pushie of this dumb looking boy here."

"The one that looks like he just heard a strange sound?"

"Yup. That one." Lina nodded.

"You can't blame Gourry-sama for how his yearbook photo came out. The photographer did have many startling lights..."

"Sure, Sylphiel."

"I'll just scan this photo so I can have a model to work from. Do you want me to make the clothes from the photo?"

"Mm... Mm-hm." Sylphiel nodded in almost a whisper.

"Ok. It'll be ready in 2 hours." He began typing out their order. "You know...if you buy 2 or more, you get one free..."

"No, thanks." Lina waved her hands.

"I'll add to Sylphiel-san's order!" Amelia dumped 5 plushies on the cart's meger counter.

"Ok. Now you can get one free."

"You pick out the last one, Lina-san." Sylphiel offered.

Lina began looking around the cart. Freeze.

"What's this?" Lina turned to the cashier.

"Hm? Oh. Like I said: Sometimes I just copy the people I see in the mall."

A wicked smile crossed Lina's face.

"I'll take it."

Lina had left Amelia and Sylphiel behind, somewhere between the time her feet started to hurt and the time the stores stared shooing her away for bringing in food.

She headed for a certain mall bench.

"It's about time you got here."

"I'm more or less on time."

"You're half an hour late."

"Picky. Picky. I had to pick up something." Lina sat down. "Aaah! A bench!"

Zel eyed her bag, but tried to make it look like he didn't notice it. Lina glanced at him quickly and discreetly tucked away the bag between herself and the armrest.

"So?" Zel looked up at the indoor trees.

"I've got it memorized. If we just buy the tools, I think I can do it for you."


Lina glared.

"Without the tools, I couldn't test it out all the way."

"Then lets go get the tools." Zel stood up. He was the one that needed the spell afterall. He shouldn't have expected her to be as absolute as he was about this. Lina followed him.

"We'll have to stop by that stuffy, exotic indoor furnishings store." Lina stuck out her tounge. "They might have what we need." Lina's bag swished at her side.

Out of unconscious curiosity, the corner of Zel's eye started to peak over the top. Lina switched the bag to her other side.

"So." She began. "Why do you need a spell that makes something human?"

"It's personal."

"Well, I want to know."


"Come. On."

sigh "I'll tell you when we're sure it can be done."

"I already told you I could do it." Lina stared at him a moment. "You can trust me."

"How do I know that?"

"You seem ohkay. I've got no reason to double-cross you." She shrugged.


"Hey! ...Well, you're right about that. But I'm not a snake."

His head turned slightly to examine her with a both suspicious and curious look as they walked.

"I'm not just out to screw you over!" Lina smiled reassuringly and punched his arm. "Ouch!" She blew on and rubbed her sore knuckles. "Jeeze! What are you made out of!"

Zel stared ahead, silent.

"....Well..." Lina's eyes trailed a little on him before looking ahead again. "I want to do this spell right. It's good practice for bigger stuff."

"Hmph." Zel closed his eyes, and tucked his head a little inward.

"What?" She looked up questionably at his smile.

He kept his pace as Lina slowed in her confusion.

"What?!" She stood watching after him, and shook her bag over her head. "Oops!" Lina checked around quickly. She sighed in relief. No one saw. "Back in you go." Lina tucked a plushie, violet head back into her bag and raced to catch up with Zel.

Part 3   |   Fanfiction