Chapter 4


!?Que Pasa?!!!...In the last Ch!apters...I slightly gave a brief description of Aez....just think of him as Heid Gner of Pilote Candidate with Rezo's long hair cut but with Heid's bangs!! Hey!!!! The image just popped into my head when I saw how there were some similarities between Zel and him when I first watched the show....sorry if I disappointed you or something but it just happened.....sooooo on with the story.....Adios..... Miss "L"

Morning came and everybody started slowly to wake up, Gourry grabbed some dried wood from the cave and made another campfire. Lina woke up, from a strange sensation that crept into her guts in the middle of her deep slumber. I can't shake the feeling that something really wrong is going to happen. She noticed Zel was about a feet away from her, she was tempted to move his silver violet bang from his handsome sleepy face but resisted. She got up walked outside, slapped on a fake cheery nonchalant smile, and greeted everyone. "Morning everybody!" she gave herself a large stretch.

"Good morning/ Hi/ Morning Lina!" they chorused joyfully.

"Wow! I didn't realize I'm very hungry ....anything to eat?"

"Well...." Amelia spoke "we have a little bit of mushrooms and some dried fruit. If you want, Aez and I can go pick some wild berries."

"That's sound like a great idea Amelia...make sure you gather a lot not only for breakfast but also for later, we'll never know if we're going to need them in our later travels." Both teenagers nodded and started to head towards the forest after Lina warned them. "And don't go too far from here....I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen be on your guard." Zel finally risen and noted that there's no one in the cave, especially her. He sighed before he left the cave to meet the rest.

"Good morning Zel/Zelgadis/cousin!" He only returned the greeting with a curtly nod.

"I'm going to get some fish for breakfast...."

"Do you need any help Lina?"

"Naw, that's alright Sylphiel.....just make sure you guys are guard, k?"

"Are you sure you want to be by yourself, Lina?" Filia gave a worried look while Zel started to feel nervous.

"Yeah, I can take care of myself, I'm the lovely Lina Inverse, sorceress extraordinaire, remember? Well....I'm off." She left skipping then raywinged If my woman's intuition is right, I don't want anyone to get hurt or killed....I gotta stay away from them for their own good. She reached her destination and just stare at the water. Sylphiel and Filia looked at Zelgadis as he picked up an empty water skin "You're going to check on Lina, aren't you?" Filia questioned.


"Please do be careful Zelgadis, I also have a feeling, a very bad feeling, that something or someone awful is out to get Lina."

"I better hurry then." he ran, quickening each step, while fear and instincts were gripping his heart. "Now I know something ill is going to occur." he's now using his demonic speed.

Lina caught the last fish and threw it on a 3' fish mound. "I hope that they'll find this very soon after I leave.....hmm...I wonder if that cover everyone's breakfast including that big stomach that belongs to my big brother Gourry." she smiled "Funny...I'm that hungry anymore...." She sighed and sat down next to the pond. "Why do I still feel nervous...I've been here for about ten minutes and nothing happened ::sigh:: maybe it's too soon or maybe I'm just wrong." the vertically challenged young lady took out her mirror "It can't be's too small and there's no powefull spell or curse on it."

Earlier that morning...."Come on, come on....she has to be up by now....where is she?.....Would you just take out the blasted mirror already......" An impatient mazuko waited for her to do so. "Come on damn it!! I WANT YOU NOW!!!!! He looked at his mirror, "Tendron better get there soon and finished them off." About half an hour later treading back and forth like a caged panther, he went over and ready to slammed his fist into the mirror when he notices there was a thumb and sunlight. "Finally!!! Now to see if she's alone." he heard her voice "Still, I don't want anything bad to happened to anyone."

"Oh please." he almost gagged at her concerned statement. "Well....I guess I better get rid of it now before they come here to check on me...I don't want anyone in anyone in any kind of risk..."

"Good...good...she's alone." his violet blue slitted eyes sparkled and grinned mischieviously when he heard a faint scream "Ah...she has arrived."

"SYLPHIEL!!!" he heard a faint male voice in the far off background. "That's my cue."

"OH MY GODS!!! GUYS!!!" at that instant she dropped the mirror and broke it. She was ready to run back but behind her back, a puff of greenish-brown and black swirls into a figure.

"LINA! LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!!!" Zel ran to Lina, throwing a flare arrow at the demon only to miss as it moved quickly and grabbed the stunned girl's arm,pulling towards him. Lina woke up rapidly threw a fireball, he lets go and ran to Zel's side, both ready to cast another spell.

He just laughs "Well, well. Miss Lina Inverse, long time no seek." his eyes scanned her up and down, giving Lina the uncomfortable shivers, and then quickly gave Zel a snobbish look while he in returned gave him a murderous gaze. The stranger ignored him and reverted back to Lina.

"Um...Do I know you?" she asked innocently, the guy facefaulted and collapsed to the ground. Zel, taking advantage of the situation, grabbed her wrist and ready to run for cover but of course he recovered only to appear in front of them.

"What do you mean 'do I know you?'.Of course you do.!!" he pratically screamed at her. The chimera pulled the sorceress protectively behind him "What do you want with Lina?" growling while at the far off background they can hear swords clashing and more screams.

"Well, it sounds like my partner is having fun. I would join in but...::smirk:: as for your question you pretty much figured out...I want Lina." turn to Lina's direction "Now if you would come with me my dear, I'll make sure your chimera won't get hurt."

"Like I asked I know you?" he started to get a little irratated.

"FINE THEN! Do you remember a long while back, when Princess Amelia, that stupid Gourry, and you..Miss Mina Inertz, helped me from a sticky situation." Both sorcerers noted at the Xellos-looking-but-a-bit-messy-reddish-brown hair, amethyst-blue mazuko eyes, green with yellow bording the long-sleeve tunic matching pants and black belt while he waited patiently for her response.

Zel's eyebrow arched at Lina, she shrugged her shoulders, still confused "Sorry....don't ring a bell."

" about five million gold pieces, wedding dr...." She gasped and took a step back, Zel didn't like the way Lina gave a shocked expression nor his frown turning into a crooked smile, he put up his guard with sword at hand.

"No.... it's can't be....HHH..HALLIS RYZU???!!!!(sorry if I spelled his name wrong) he gave her a sly grin "In the flesh."

"Bbb...but you're a mazuko!!!!"

"I wasn't always...thanks to you."

"Lina! What in the nine hells is he talking about?!" never taking his sight off the mazuko.

"Well....remember when we were being hunted down because of Eris?" he nodded, she continued "After many attempts from Vrumegan and Zangulas to capture us, we ran into a rich kid with a really strong girl repellent spell on him that Amelia removed after I carefully analyzed, by Kali, the sorceress, so that he marries her daughter..."

Zel interrupted "But I thought she married all of her nine daughters.."

"There's a tenth one..." Lina and Hallis said it in unison, they looked at the monster hatefully "What?....I'm waiting here, so hurry up will you."

"Anyways... he told us his story about Kali, her intentions and her deal...he needed to find a girl, besides her daughter, and get married before the end of the following day so he asked me to marry him so that she and her daughter would leave him alone. Of course I flat out said no, a delicate young maiden like me shouldn't rush into something that important..." now it was Hallis who interrupted her "But I told her we weren't really going to be married yet she still I offered her five million gold pieces...."

"Let me guess....she accepted the deal." Zel said it sarcastically, Lina gave him a stern look...."ANYWAYS!!...Yeah, smart ass... I accepted it, a girl has to live you know. Everything went fine without a hitch as Amelia quoted, that is until that old bag found out who we really are and set up a trap for us only to be ruined by Vrumegan and Zangulas by showing up, however we being the good guys, ended up beating up the bad guys and left......"

"Left my home blown up, the guest injured, leaving me behind to face an angry mob only to be thrown into jail that I eventually had to pay my bond and the damages, leaving without collecting your money, left a shredded expensive wedding gown, and left me heart broken." he put down his hand down after counting the events on his fingers.

"That doesn't explain why your coming after Lina." he growled.

"Oh! Wait!..Don't tell want to give me my five million gold pieces, right?" she said it enthusiastically while the two guys facefaulted.

"Lina!!!! Would you please be serious...he's a mazuko, I doubt that's why he's here.....Wait a minute, didn't he mentioned that he wasn't always like that?" Zel questioned after regaining their composture.

"You can't keep a girl from trying ::mumbling:: As for your last question Zel, I always thought he was human...."

"You are correct, my dear...I was human with a broken heart, until Tendron came by with an interersting offer from our Master. If I get to convert you into a mazuko, I get to do whatever I want with you and your friends, not to mention the power I'm getting in the process. So naturally I took the offer...and here I am."


Well... I always wondered what happened to Hallis, so I thought this could be one of them...::shrugs::. I couldn't help using her favorite quotes...and the vertically challenged part is my motto....I completely understand in Lina's...stature situation since I, myself, am only 5'1(and a 1/2). Hey, we vertically challenged people stick up for each other...besides...there's that saying...."Good things come in small packages!" Adios,

Miss "L" ^_~

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