Part 31: Crash! Cyber Nightmares!



The phone rang for the fifth time that morning and 'Dancer picked up it up, promptly switching windows on her computer.

"Greywyrs' Inc."

"Help." Zelgadis's voice was as close to panic as she had ever heard it.

"What are you looking for now?" 'Dancer asked, hands posed for action over the keyboard.

"I have a patron who's looking for an article about violence in fairytales." Knowing he had the needed assistance, Zelgadis's voice calmed. 'Dancer's fingers flew across the keyboard and in a matter of seconds she had a satisfactory list of possibilities.

"Looks like you will want to send him to the second floor, to the G section, there are a couple good sets of periodicals, in particular Western Folklore and The Journal of Children's Lit."

'Dancer listened with half an ear as Zelgadis gave directions to the patron, returning to her original screen, her search still in progress.

"How's the library job coming along?" She asked when Zelgadis finally fell silent.

"Save me." 'Dancer laughed silently, imagining his expression.

"Now, now, you know I why I can't do that. That you used me as a reference was suspicious enough." Zelgadis let out a long suffering sigh.

"Would you at least bring me something to eat?" This time 'Dancer chuckled aloud.

"What, forget to bring a bag lunch?" She teased, scribbling a memo to herself. Zelgadis ignored the baiting, asking instead.

"What makes you certain this library is next? The University library doesn't have much by way of children's' books."

"Have you seen the schedule of events for the month?"

"No," Zelgadis paused, and 'Dancer heard papers shuffling. "wait, here's the printout..." 'Dancer listened carefully at the curious silence.

"You see what I meant?" Zelgadis muttered something that sounded suspiciously like a curse.


"This is insane. Who scheduled all these school fieldtrips?"

"That's typical of the fall term. Just make sure you memorize that little spiel they gave you yesterday, you'll be giving the tours." Zelgadis groaned.

"Kill me now."

"Zel, being a Librarian isn't that odious. Why are you - " 'Dancer's computer interrupted with "Puu! Puu!" 'Dancer scrolled down the page, then frowned.

"Cerberus just picked up someone doing an online search on us."

"Us personally or us the company? Hold on a second. How can I help you?" As Zelgadis muddled through with another patron 'Dancer keyed in the tracer code. She started puzzled at the screen.

"Who's tracing us?" Zelgadis asked, finally finished with the patron.

"This is odd...the search originates from the CIA. Maybe Li and Dimitri asked to have a background check done of us?" Zelgadis made a negatory noise.

"They would have already had that done when they took the case. Make a copy of whatever it is they find out about and leave it on my desk."

"Aye aye, captain. Anything in particular I should bring fo - Zel, this is getting into some really sensitive stuff."

"Like what? One moment please, Sir." Zelgadis said to someone on his side of the line.

"The Monster Registry, Magic And Science Academy, my Imgra records ... Those are suppose to be confidentional! ...Medical histories, THE C.O.R.?!"

"You don't need to shout!" Zelgadis held the phone away from his head, winching. The patron waiting for help laughed uneasily, then beat a hasty retreat.

"Zel, this is an invasion of privacy! I'm terminating this guy's search." 'Dancer growled, beginning to key in the bounce code.

"Wait! We'll never know who it is if you bounce him!"

"Zel, he's reading my C.O.R. record! If he finds out what my bracers - "

"Stormborn, bounce him and next month's rent comes out of your paycheck."

"He's downloading your P.M.S.L. stats from the Registry as we speak."

Zelgadis's eyebrow twitched.

"Bounce him."

"Ka mea mea!" Chirped the computer as 'Dancer pressed Enter. She grinned evilly at the screen for a moment, then face faulted.

"It didn't stop him!" Zelgadis cussed softly, then scowled. The small group of patrons that had gathered at the Infodesk got one good look at his expression and scattered like a flock of frightened pigeons.

"Try the G.I.G.A. program"

"Wha - ! Zel, that'll take out the Internet for a day if I do that. Not to mention we'll get fined again." Which will come out of YOUR paycheck. For the next three years. "And what if it IS the CIA?"

" 'Dancer, if that thing could stand up to a G.O.K.U. bounce than it's probably a CyberMazokutm. The CIA might use a number of questionable techniques, but that's not one of them. Send that thing back to the Sea of Chaos."

'Dancer sighed.

"Bueno. Initiating G.I.G.A. sequence."

"Don't forget to turn the limiter off."

"¿¡¿¡¿¡QUÉ!?!?!? Connor will close us down for sure if I did that!"

"Must I remind you what could happen to us if whoever it is we're hunting gets that information?"

"Limiter off. Three second countdown. Zel, turn off your computer." Zelgadis reached under the desk and pushed the power button as 'Dancer's computer trilled "Giga Slave!"

A second later the power went out. Not to be caught off guard, the computer's back up generator rumbled to life.

"I hope you're happy." 'Dancer grumbled. She got no answer. Surprised, she tried depressing the button in the cradle. The phone was dead. With a sigh she hung up, powered down her Mac and locked up the office for the day. Somewhere in the Greater Portland area there was a 'corrected' espresso waiting for her. She just hoped she could find it before the police found her.

"Do you realize how much trouble you are in 'Dancer?" Li glowered at the plastered latina.

"Thash Mish Shaishan to you, Shpecial Agent Blattmeishter. And I'm drunk, not shtupid." 'Dancer lay sprawled out on her futon, face down and a half empty bottle of sake on the low night table next to her bed. Her blouse was in a pile on the floor somewhere, along with her dignity, her red hair was undone and messed up. She hadn't been able to find an open coffee house due to the power outage and had resigned herself to raiding Zelgadis's private store. Wanting to be a drunk as possible when she was to be arrested, she had downed a bottle of bourbon before moving onto the sake.

"Were you drunk when you pulled the entire city offline?" Li asked, eyebrow twitching.

"Nope, whish ish more the pity, could've ushed it ash a defenshe." Li stared at her incredulously.

"You deliberately set off a G.I.G.A.?" 'Dancer grinned foolishly into her futon.

"Yeah. Cool, ¿shí?"


Dimitri peered into the latina's room.

"How is she?"

"Drunker than a sailor on shore leave. Where's Greywrys?" Li asked with an exasperated sigh. Dimitri held up his hands helplessly.

"He's got some sort of anti-scrying device on him. I can't locate him."

"Well duh. He's not dumb. You think either of us are crazy enough to wander around without them?" 'Dancer sat up and shook her head, trying to dispel the fog therein. Li frowned at her.

"How come you're not slurring your words anymore?"

" 'Cuz I ain't as drunk as I was a minute ago. Move, I gotta to pee." She staggered out of the room and into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

"Huh? I don't get it. Did she cast Dicleary?" Li asked Dimitri, who shook his head.

"She doesn't have to. Her bracers nullify the affects of liquor if she stops drinking long enough." Zelgadis's soft voice made Li jump. Li had his gunblade half out of it's holster as Zelgadis closed the door behind him.

"Put that away." Dimitri said to Li with the faintest hint of contempt in his voice while Zelgadis hung up his coat and went to the bathroom door.

"Oi, 'Dancer, you want anything?"

"You gonna make some coffee?" 'Dancer's voice was muffled by the door.


"A latte would be nice. With lots of sugar." Zelgadis turned his attention back to the two agents.

"Anything I could get you?" He asked cordially.

"Coffee sound pretty good right now." Li admitted. Dimitri mentally sighed, Li was so easily distracted.

"If I could trouble for some tea?" He asked after a moment. Zelgadis nodded and wandered into the kitchen.

"So are you going to tell me why you decommissioned the entire Internet in the Western Hemisphere?" Li demanded as 'Dancer walked into the living room. She's taken the time to comb her hair, and was pulling a tank top over her unmentionables. She glanced at Li, running a hand through her unbound hair.

"Only the Western Hemisphere? I must be losing my touch." Li gave her an unhappy look, but only Dimitri suspected that it had more to do with the fact that she put on the shirt than her actual reply. Dimitri kicked his partner lightly in the shin, reminding the younger man of his duty.

"Let's call it an unfortunate side effect of dealing with hackers and leave it at that." Zelgadis recommended, bringing a tray with the drinks into the room. Li had made himself comfortable at on end of the couch, directly across the coffee table from 'Dancer, and Zelgadis pulled a stool up next to 'Dancer. Once he got settled, she leaned back against his legs, taking comfort in his presence. Li was watching her intently. Dimitri sat down next to Li and stirred a lump of sugar into his tea.

"Did these hackers get anything important?" Li asked after an awkward moment of silence. 'Dancer smiled sourly.

"If they didn't have it stored up here," she tapped her head, "they haven't got anything." And they'll be lucky if they can sell their computer for scrap. She sipped her latte, her mind wandering elsewhere.

"Have you found any leads on the case?" Dimitri tactfully changed subjects. Zelgadis nodded.

"The attacks happen in two places, libraries and deserted streets." Zelgadis explained. Dimitri frowned at the implications.

"Libraries we could cover, but deserted streets?"

"Don't worry, it gets easier." 'Dancer glanced up from her mug. Li's staring was beginning to unnerve her. She sighed mentally before continuing.

"We've established a pattern from previous attacks." Twin surprised looks greeted her statement.

"You've dealt with this group before?" Li asked. 'Dancer frowned faintly, a mannerism she'd unwittingly picked up from Zelgadis.

"Didn't Chief Conner tell you? We've been working with the RCMP. This group has been known to them for two years now. Apparently the Canadians have been just enough of a hindrance to their operation that they've had to relocate to the States." 'Dancer explained, glancing over to the street facing windows.

"We were not informed of any such activities." Dimitri stated darkly. "Can you give us a copy of what you have?" 'Dancer reached down under the coffee table and pulled out a battered attaché case which she handed to Zelgadis before standing and going over to the window.

"What's bothering you Foxfire?" She asked softly, clearly not directing her query at the others in the room. For a moment Li wondered if she wasn't still somewhat drunk when he saw something move from behind the closed drapes. 'Dancer pulled open the drapes the tiniest bit, and a milky cat face peered up at her.

"'Dancer has a familiar?" Dimitri asked, as surprised as Li. He hadn't sensed the cat's presence when he had entered.

"Not technically." Zelgadis replied, opening the case and pulling out the files the RCMP had sent them.

"'Dancer can't use magic. She's no ability to regulate how much power she puts into a spell, so she's been forbidden from casting." He divided the pile and handed the files to Li and Dimitri.

"But she's bonded with the cat?" Li asked.

"According to the law, a familiar is a creature who bonds to help in rituals and casting. Foxfire doesn't do anything other than talk to her from time to time and shed all over the place."

"I heard that. Zel, how'd you come home today?"

Zelgadis raised an eyebrow.

"By the 12. The Max wasn't running. Why?"

'Dancer studied something out on the street.

"There's a woman I don't recognize standing out there. Foxfire says she showed up about the same time you walked into the building." All three men stood to go to the window when she held up a hand.

"Wait, now she's leaving." 'Dancer unlatched the window and opened it enough for the cat to squeeze out. 'Dancer pulled the drapes closed again.

"He's going to tail her for a bit. He'll be back." She explained, rejoining the group. They sat back down a little bit uneasier than before.

"Where were we?" Zelgadis asked, trying to re-establish the previous calm.

"You were about to tell us the pattern the Canadians established from previous attacks." Dimitri said with perfect calm.

"Right." 'Dancer took her cue. "In the past the kidnappers have taken children from libraries, usually between the hours of 2 and 4 pm. Within 72 hours an adult of the opposite gender of the kidnapped child disappears, usually between 12 pm and 2 am. In all cases, the adult victims where restaurant delivery people, making a late night delivery. The children are never seen again, with the notable exception of Sedna, the girl we discovered four nights ago at the docks. The bodies of the adult victims have all been found dumped within a five mile radius of the place they disappeared from. They were completely exsanguinated."

"Vampires?" Li asked, flipping through the topmost file.

"That was the first thought of the Mounties, but the autopsies all showed that the blood had been removed internally." Zelgadis continued. Li paled, and even Dimitri looked faintly shaken.

"Internally? Is in ritual sacrifice?" Li asked, over turning his coffee mug. 'Dancer deftly swept the files on the table out of harms way.

"Sorry..." Zelgadis handed him some paper napkins as 'Dancer went into the kitchen.

"Don't worry, it's called a coffee table for a reason. And yes, it seems to be sacrifices, but don't go jumping to conclusions. None of the other hallmarks of Mazoku manifestation have appeared here or in any of the cities this group has hit. This group is very likely some sort of black market supply system of untainted souls for Mazoku." 'Dancer warned, returning with several towels. She handed one to Li, who began mopping up the mess he made on himself.

"So... what are you doing at this point?" Dimitri asked.

"I'm working the afternoon shift at the library we believe will be the most likely to be hit." Zelgadis explained as he helped 'Dancer sop up the coffee. "'Dancer's been coordinating with the area late night delivery restaurants, and has more or less established the normal late night food deliveries."

"I see." Dimitri mulled this over for a bit.

"It seems like you have everything under control then. Why do you need us?" Li bluntly asked. Zelgadis and 'Dancer exchanged glances.

"We don't." 'Dancer replied, equally blunt. "But Conner wanted us to assist your investigation."

"Actually, there is something you could look up for us." Zelgadis said, resting his back against the wall.


"Sedna, the girl, was being chased by a," Zelgadis's gaze flicked over at 'Dancer, who was taking the dirty towels back to the kitchen " 'werewolf with mange.' The police have given us as much help as they can, but we were hoping you'd be about to check in your databanks for other recorded incidents of this particular boogieman. There's a good chance that he's related to this case."

"If the police can't help you then there's nothing in our system that would help. We use the same information as they do." Li elucidated. Dimitri met Zelgadis's gaze unflinchingly.

"He means the from the University for Advanced Studies of Magic." Dimitri stated, putting his cup down, and leaning forward.

"I can look that up for you, but it'll take some time. Also I need a physical description."

"I can do you one better. I'll have a sketch done for you before you leave." 'Dancer announced, returning with a pad of paper and a charcoal pencil. Li gave her an amazed look.

"Is there anything you can't do, Ms. Saisan?" He asked.

"Yeah, sing."

"We've got a problem." 'Dancer grimaced.

"I'll be right down."

"Call our new friends, the police are here too."

'Dancer sighed and hung up, took a deep breath, then dialed Li's number. Thankfully, she got his voice mail.

"Hi Special Agent Blattenmister? This is 'Dancer Saisan. Could you meet Zel and I down at Portland State Library? There's been an occurrence."

Zelgadis was sitting casually at the Infobooth, reading from the latest Harry Potter book as she approached. Without looking up he held up a flat brass piece of metal with a strange glyph.

"Who was it?" Zelgadis closed the book.

"A third grader named Tyrone. Time to switch to plan B." 'Dancer muttered something very unladylike as Li sauntered in.

"What happened?" Zelgadis tapped the brass plate.

"We spent so much time focusing on attackers that we forgot about 'portation devices. This was slipped into the book. All it took to trigger it was having to book opened." Li reached down to pick up the plate. 'Dancer knocked his hand away.

"Are you nuts? You can't just go picking up magiked objects."

"Greywrys did." Li said indignantly.

"I'm a magic user. And I'm not totally human. This, " He held up the plate. "is designed to teleport anything human that touches it." He gave Li a hard look. "That would include you."

Li sighed, and scratched his head.

"Dimitri's still in Croatia so... "

"Zel can do the necessary tests." 'Dancer said impatiently. "What we need to do is - "

"Excuse me." The trio turned as a tall woman approached them. 'Dancer's frown dissolved into a look of surprise.

"You're the woman from - !"

Whatever else she was going to say was lost as the woman touched 'Dancer's forehead and said,


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